My dear brothers and sisters, my dear friends, The
Church of God did not create, nor did the Church formulate or invent these
“Teachings Made Prominent,” but our Church forefathers searched the
Scriptures and sought God through prayer; and God blessed those men and women
and they received divine understanding of these Bible truths and agreed upon
them as revealed in the Scripture by the Holy Ghost. God, the Great Creator,
ordained these in the far-back ages of eternity. They originated in the infinite
mind of God way before He created man. “In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Psalms 119:89
says, “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.”
The Bible tells us in Acts 15:1, “And certain men
which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be
circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.” Here you have a
group of “certain men”—and a certain sect of the Pharisees—that began
teaching a doctrine that did not line up with the Gospel of Jesus Christ or His
teachings of being saved by grace through faith. They had set forth a doctrine,
adding to it that in order to be saved the person must be circumcised like God
had commanded Moses way back in the Old Testament. This caused confusion and cast
a yoke upon the neck of Jesus’ disciples that was unnecessary. It troubled
them, burdened them, and subverted their souls; in other words, it undermined
the power and authority of Jesus’ teachings.
The Church did not want, or need, one person to teach
one thing, and another to teach something different—erroneous doctrines that
don’t line up with the Bible rightly divided— causing confusion concerning what
Jesus’ teachings say. So do you know what the Church did? Why, the Church got down
to business! They came together, conversed, shared testimonies about what God
had done, had great joy together, and then ultimately compared all things to “the
words of the prophets; as it is written” (Acts 15:15).
The Bible says that it pleased the Holy Ghost,
apostles, elders, and the whole Church (v. 22), and they wrote letters to the
churches stating that after due consideration, and guidance from the Holy
Ghost, the Church had agreed that it was not necessary for them to be
circumcised as certain men had taught, but only to “abstain from meats
offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from
fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well” (v. 29.)
Former General Overseer, Bishop M. A. Tomlinson, said,
“The many doctrines set forth in the name of religion must be tested against
the Scriptures. The Church of God is dedicated to the principles of the New
Testament doctrine—the truth rightly divided.”
I say to you again concerning the Twenty-nine
Prominent Teachings of The Church of God, that our Church forefathers this side
of the Dark Ages searched the Scriptures and sought God through prayer. They
came totogether by the Spirit of God and, once they received divine
understanding that the Holy Ghost and the Word agreed concerning any one of
these teachings, wrote their findings down so that there would be no confusion.
They are for a hedge of protection to the next generation, i.e., me, you, our
children and our children’s children.
If we are going to really know Jesus Christ then we
must also know the doctrine He preached. Someone may ask if Jesus has a
doctrine. Well, the Bible says, “And they were astonished at his doctrine…”
(Mark 1:22). “…and said unto them in his doctrine”
(Mark 4:2). “The high priest then asked Jesus of
his disciples, and of his doctrine”
(John 18:19). “Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine
not mine, but his that sent me” (John 7:16). The
answer, then, is yes He does and they are the teachings and doctrine of His
Father in heaven.
In this world you will find a lot of Christian
organizations, or Christian people who say, “Doctrine?! We don’t need doctrine,
all we need is Jesus!” “Let’s only preach about Jesus!” “Let’s not talk about
doctrines because they cause division and they hurt people.” But that’s not
true. Some will say there is no need for Bible doctrine, but these Bible
doctrines that the Church upholds are a never changing standard, a hedge of
safety and a sure foundation for The Church of God of the Bible.
The Church is built upon the rock of divine revelation
and of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone
(Eph. 2:20). Our doctrine is vital to this building! We take or accept the
whole Bible rightly divided as our rule of faith, and it is out of the Bible
that these Twenty-nine Foundation Stones of faith, that are so vital to our
salvation, have been derived and brought to the forefront. In a building or
edifice, the foundation is known to be the lowest part of the building. It is
an integrated stable base that the rest of the building sits upon and one that
must bear the entire load of the structure. The material used in the foundation
must be good enough to bear the load of whatever is built upon it; in other
words, it’s got to be good enough to build upon. A foundation stone is the
first stone set in the foundation of the building that is to be constructed. It
is important because all other stones will be set in reference to this stone
and it determines the position of the entire structure.
This is what the Twenty-nine Prominent Teachings
represent for you and me today; they are the stones to be used in our
foundation. They are the underlying principles, the groundwork, so to speak, a
firm foundation upon which the lives of Christian men and women of all ages can
be built. The success of our spiritual growth is determined by the strength of
our spiritual foundation. Jesus said, “Therefore whosoever heareth these
sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built
his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon
a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And
the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that
house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it” (Matt. 7:24-27). Luke
6:48 adds that the wise man “digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock”.
My dear friends, we are living in perilous times and
the light showers of persecution have begun to fall upon the Christians of this
world, but in the near future it will be torrential rain. The flood waters of
spiritual deceit and destruction have not yet fully risen, but you can be sure
they are well on their way. The winds of false doctrine have been blowing for a
long time, but today it seems the forces of these winds are more violent,
blasphemous and unashamed.
If we “hear” but “do not,” according to the Word of
God, we are building our life upon shifting sand. Any building will fall that
does not have a sure and solid foundation when the rain descends, the floods
come, and the winds blow and beat upon it. Great shall be the fall of it!
Nevertheless, if a building has a solid foundation— if you hear and do
according to the teachings of Christ in your life—the rain will descend, the
floods will come, and the winds will blow and beat upon the building and you will
not fall. For you are built upon the Rock! What is that ROCK? The Word of God!
Someone has said, “When life is calm, our foundations
don’t seem to matter, but when a crisis comes, our foundation is tested.” Be
sure your life is built on Jesus Christ! We should make sure not to build our
life on shifting sand or faulty ground such as fame, security, success or
wealth. Take these basic Bible doctrines that form the very foundation upon
which THE CHURCH OF GOD is built, upon which the Christian life can be built,
and you are sure to withstand all the elements of this spiritual tempest that
is on the rise, or whatever crisis may come into your life! These are not the
Church’s “Declaration of Faith.” They are not all or the only doctrines
the Church teaches, practices and adheres to, but we believe they are the first
principles of the oracles of God. On these we can and must build!
We are living in a time of constant change—in the
world of politics, the geopolitical landscape has been changing. This
government has fallen, that government has fallen. This new government has been
established and that new leader has been put in. I’ve heard over the radio of
this politician or that politician changing his stand on certain national policies.
We hear of laws that constantly are amended or changed. So much uncertainty!
How can you live with peace of mind in the midst of such change and uncertainty?
Nationally, we hear of new modes of transportation being considered. Houses,
hotels, airplanes, cars, phones, computers, watches and all sorts of other
things are constantly being updated, revised and made better. I even hear of
so-called “climate change.” Now those are physical and natural things that do
not worry me too much, although I’m aware of them.
The real concern for you and me is that we not be
swept or blown away by the frequently changing principles and shifting beliefs
of this religious world, being “tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby
they lie in wait to deceive” (Eph. 4:14). We don’t want this to be part of
our testimony, that we were deceived and led astray, and finally made
Today there is a constant change and shift of faith
that the so called mainstream Christian or religious world has been pressured
into by those within their ranks who advocate the need to change the Christians’
stand on Bible teachings in order to be able to meet the challenge of a
continually changing world. A minister of the gospel said it so well one time,
“God is not looking for a message and teachings people will love; He is looking
for a people who will love His message and teachings!” One Church of God
minister put it like this, “It’s not about whether a doctrine is beautiful and
good to the eye, but whether it is true.”
Religious institutions may alter what they teach to
make it look appealing to the multitudes. Others may abandon the faith once
delivered unto the saints. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth
sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one
that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (2 Tim. 2:19). I want
you to know that the only thing in this life you can count on to never change
or shift is the Word of God—it is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Have you ever crossed a creek, from one side of the
bank to the other, desiring not to get your shoes or clothes wet? What did you
look for? You looked for big rocks, big stones, upon which you could step, that
wouldn’t move when you put your weight on them and that were a sure and good
footing. Amen? The moment you felt it move it scared you and you didn’t know
if it would hold. You didn’t know if it would move, flip over, slide, or shift—but
what you did know was that if it moved you would fall into the water. In an
attempt to find a sure place to put your foot and get across, you tried this
stone and that stone and then the next one until you found one you believed you
could count on.
My dear friend, spiritually speaking , today we don’t
have to go try this thing, go try that thing and go try the other in an effort
to get through this old world and into glory and risk falling into the world’s
water that will drown God out of our lives and destroy our souls. We have “in
Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure
foundation” (Isa. 28:16), and those who came before us battled “against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” and they did battle
standing upon this tried Stone, this sure foundation.
If it was good enough for them— if it was good enough
for Paul, Peter and young Timothy—then it’s good enough for us today! There is
no need for you to stand or build upon something uncertain today, but build
your life upon the Word of God and take these Twenty-nine Foundation Stones and
build upward toward God. These Twenty-nine Foundation Stones will get you
across to the other side!
Bishop R. O. Covey wrote: “Since the Word of God is
the only thing that will not pass away, it is reasonable that it is the best
footing we can have.”
The Word does not move, it does not shift—it does not
teeter totter! This foundation has “no variableness, neither shadow of
turning” (James 1:17). You can stand on it! You can build on it! You can
count on it being the same tomorrow and 10 or 100 years from now!
Not all Christian churches teach these basic Bible
beliefs the way The Church of God does. And many don’t teach them at all. There
are all sorts of untrue teachings out there that we are certain to encounter
and the enemy of our soul would like nothing better than to confuse people and
lead them astray. For this reason it is important to not simply accept and
believe these Twenty-nine Prominent Teachings just because your parents,
pastor, Church buddies, friends, etc., do. If that is as far as our biblical
knowledge goes concerning our prominent teachings (i.e., I believe them because
he or she believes them) we can be sure that the foundation we are built upon
is riddled with gaps and cracks. We are in danger of sinking or collapsing! We
must all search them out and study them out for ourselves.
Didn’t Jesus say, “and digged deep”? Each one
has got to dig deep into the Word of God and search the Scriptures, going
deeper in our relationship with Christ. We don’t just want to know Jesus, but
we need to know about Jesus and that is what the Twenty-nine Prominent
Teachings are about, God’s dictates for His people. Ask God for divine
understanding, because once you receive it from God concerning the truth of
these Bible doctrines then you will know how important they really are. You
will be able to defend the biblical doctrines.
In Matthew 16:13-19, Jesus asked His disciples who
people said He was. They responded to Jesus informing Him of who the people
thought He was, but then Jesus looked at them and asked them, “But whom say
ye that I am?” He no longer wanted to know what others thought and
believed, but Jesus was now interested in knowing what they believed and where
they stood concerning Him. Peter answered saying, “I know who you are. I am
convinced that you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” It wasn’t
because someone else believed it or told it to him, but because he had received
divine understanding from God above. This is the kind of revelation needed
concerning these teachings so that no matter what others may say about them, no
matter if others despise them, no matter if others say they are old fashioned,
you can say, “I know what they are. I know how important they are. They are
God’s Word and a sure foundation”.
But if you only believe because others believe what
will happen if others stop believing? Ask yourself, “How firm is my
foundation?” Jesus said, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my
disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free” (John 8:31, 32). God’s purpose is that every child of God get in His
Word and continue in His teachings, for in doing so you will have divine
understanding of the truth and it shall make you free. Free from what? Free
from doubt, fear, foolish and unlearned questions, from giving heed to fables
and endless genealogies, from profane and vain babblings. FREE FROM FALLING!