by AJ Tomlinson
This message by A. J. Tomlinson was printed in the
December 20, 1919, edition of the Church of God Evangel.
Many Christmas stories have been told, but there are
none so interesting and thrilling as the one told about the birth of Jesus and
the circumstances that led up to it. To read the Bible story concerning this
wonderful child and the place of His birth is interesting to anyone merely as
a story, but to those who have an experience through Christ this story becomes
intensely interesting…
On account of the edict of Augustus it became
necessary for Joseph and Mary to leave their village home and go on a journey
of nearly a hundred miles in order to register in the proper place. They
belonged to the ancient and royal town of Bethlehem in the country far to the
south of their home. I fancy I see them now as they journeyed along the weary
road till at last they reached the ascent that led to the gate of the town. On,
on, they went, climbing the hill toward the place they had started. No doubt
they had some anxieties, but thought of the place of rest when they would get
to their journey’s end. But, alas, when they reached the inn there was no room
for them there. Others who were drawn to Bethlehem on the same errand had
preceded them and every available place was occupied. The only thing left for
them was to repair to the barn in search of shelter if nothing more.
There in that stable that very night the Saviour was
born. It had been foretold by the prophets that He would be born on this very
spot. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the
thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be
ruler in Israel.” And that very night the heaven bells began to ring. Glad
Christmas bells! Angels sang their wonderful songs. A multitude of the
heavenly host sang the song that always seems so appropriate at Christmas time,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
If this great event called forth such sweet songs from
the angels of heaven, should it be any wonder that a remembrance of this
wonderful event should cause us to rejoice and laud and give God the glory? It
seems to me that the very deepest sense of joy should be realized on Christmas
morning, just to remember Him who was born one Christmas morning.
I remember Him now. My spirit is softened at the
remembrance of that precious night and the little infant that was to be my
Saviour—yes my own dear Saviour. The greatest personage that ever trod this
earth made His entry on the stage of life so strangely, humbly and silently on
that memorable night. That babe, oh, that babe, the Babe of Bethlehem!
He was unnoticed by the kings and great ones of earth.
They were fast asleep in their palaces while the trio was unnoticed in the
stable. But while these great ones slept on, the princes of heaven were aroused
and broke the joyful news to the shepherds in the field who hastened to the
spot to find everything just as the angels had described. Oh, those shepherds!
I almost envy them now they were the first to see. I wonder why it could not
have been me! But I leave the honor to them. And what an honor it was! Who can
describe! Who would dare try!
Next to the shepherds were Simeon and Anna, two devout
and intelligent students of the Scriptures. They lived close to the Lord and
were looking for the Messiah. They knew Him as soon as they saw Him. The
Spirit of prophecy fell upon them and they uttered wonderful words concerning
His mission in the world. The aged Simeon had received a secret promise from
the Lord that he should not die till he had seen the Messiah. When he had seen
Him he was ready to die.
The shepherds and Simeon and Anna were only a short
distance from Bethlehem, where the Saviour was born, but the great influence
of the advent thrilled souls at a much greater distance. It was probably after
Joseph and Mary had returned with the little child to Bethlehem after His
presentation in the temple that he was visited by the Wise Men of the East.
These men were attracted to the town of Bethlehem by a certain star that had
appeared at the time of His birth. They came a long distance, but they searched
till they found Him. They must have been sure of a successful journey because
they prepared “Christmas Gifts” for Him and brought them along. So as soon as
they found Him they fell down and worshipped Him. Then they opened their treasures
and gave Him gifts of “gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.”
All these gathered around the precious young child—the
shepherds with their simple wonder, Simeon and Anna with a holy reverence
enriched by the treasured wisdom and piety of the centuries, and the Wise Men,
with their gifts. But who will gather around Him this Christmas? His name will be
remembered and spoken by millions… who know the full story…
The worshippers then were few— probably the number
could be counted on the fingers of your two hands, but now there are a
multitude of earth’s inhabitants that reverence His name on Christmas day. The
thought of Christmas gives joy and happiness everywhere. Who does not rejoice
over a Saviour that was born? Who would be so dull that they would not want to
join in the chorus of the song of the angels and say, “Glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Let the children be
gleeful and happy during Christmas time. Let the men and women rejoice and rise
above sadness and gloom because a Savior is born. An incident that would call
the hosts of heaven down to earth to sing and rejoice surely ought to arouse
the inhabitants of earth. He did not come to redeem angels but they sang and
rejoiced at His birth. But He came to redeem fallen man and surely man should
rejoice at the remembrance of His birth.
Yes, Jesus came to save! Let the voices of the millions
of earth be heard on Christmas morning saying, “Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Would to God I could make this
Christmas a merry Christmas for all…
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