Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our Help ComethFrom the Lord by David R. Risch

Our Help ComethFrom the Lord

David R. Risch, Cleveland, TN


A few weeks ago one of the first things I thought of when I heard of Brother Smith’s death was “What a fearful day for The Church of God,” and quickly it seemed the Spirit kind of rebuked me and this thought filled my mind: “Not a fearful day, but an awe­some day!...a day for the Church to show herself strong with a deep faith that God doesn’t forsake His children when dif­ficulties arise; and so it is not a ‘fear­ful day,’ but an awesome day.” Faithful Church of God members can expect God to come to their rescue! If the Church fails in anything, don’t blame God, for He has given us a divine promise in Phi­lippians 4:19: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Hebrews 6:18 tells us it’s impossible for God to lie. You can’t make God lie. I can’t make God lie. If we meet His conditions, our needs will be met!


Paul said, “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Cor. 1:20). In Christ, all the promises of God are true; and in Him we have the power to claim these promises for ourselves!


What an awesome time for The Church of God to do as David said in Psalms 121:1, 2: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” David didn’t expect help to come from the physical hills or mountains around Jerusalem. He saw their great­ness, they represent strength. I’ve per­sonally seen mountains so high, so great, they were breathtaking. No, David was looking for something else. Note verse 2 (where our thought for this message comes from): “My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” A God so great He formed those moun­tains. He not only formed those moun­tains according to His will, He is also able to move them!


I thought of the day Christ’s feet will land on the Mount of Olives, one on each side. Half will move to the north, half to the south, leaving a great valley for the Battle of Armageddon. When I need help, this is the kind of God I want to go to! The first part of verse 2 literally stuck out to me: “my help [David’s help] cometh from the Lord.” Yes the Overseer’s office is vacant, but there’s help available to fill it when you go to the Lord and God will help fill it. Amen. Amen! Can we say, “There’s help on the way!”? How many came to this Assembly believing there’s help on the way?


Who is David reaching out to? The Creator of the heavens and earth! The only mountains Satan made were moun­tains of trouble and sorrow, filling our world with darkness, or sin that opposes God’s divine plan for man. But our help comes from God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost. And Paul said it like this in Ephesians 1:19-23 (Think of God’s greatness, His ability and His glory in these verses): “And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.”


Paul expresses God’s gifts to Christ here so wonderfully—raised Him from the dead, set Him at His right hand far above anything and everything, gave Him a name above all names, put all things under His feet, and placed Him as Head of The Church of God. And all of this is just part of our inheritance. Christ will share what we need to fulfill His will in The Church of God!


“Brother Risch, do you really mean that?” Yes, yes, yes, for Revelation 19:7 tells us “his wife [The Church of God] hath made herself ready.” It’s as good as done folks, as far as God is concerned. Nothing can stop her! And I wonder if it could not come within this genera­tion! Listen folks, this is an awesome time for The Church of God! And no one has the answers but the Lord. Please don’t go to the denominational system for the answers. Their answers won’t fit The Church of God. I’m not saying there aren’t good people, even “other sheep” there. Please don’t go to the world for answers. They don’t have any, period. The world will only take you away from God’s Divine Plan. Don’t go to the Internet for answers. Don’t go to famous theologians for answers. Why go to those outside the Church when we have Christ, Head of the Church, avail­able? We must believe as David, “my help cometh from the Lord.”


I know the situation at the Solemn Assembly was different, in a sense, but its success was when people went to the Lord for help. The people relied on the Lord to lead them through that difficult time. And He did! That’s why we are here today. Church, I believe He already has present and future plans made for The Church of God. He is an Omni­scient God—knowing all things, the end from the beginning! There are no surprises before God. He is never late. He is always on time! He’s never out of control. Think of how He keeps this uni­verse running!

I think you know where I’m going this morning. We need God’s help in giving us a General Overseer. And where will we go for help? Will we say, “My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth”?


A few weeks back the Overseers met to find God’s will for an Interim General Overseer until the General Assembly. I feel we were doing our part to pray for them to become of one mind. Yes, just like we were at the Solemn Assembly! We became a partner with them even if we were not present. But this week, this “multitude of counselors” must become as one if we are to leave this Assembly feeling good in our soul!


I lay no claims on being an authority on this subject. I was 14 years old when M. A. Tomlinson was installed as Gen­eral Overseer, and also, as many of you, I was there when Billy Murray, Robert Pruitt and Stephen Smith were selected. This has only made me more sensitive to the importance of this office and future of The Church of God.

How important is this selection of the General Overseer? It’s important enough that none of us can make the appoint­ment! (I’m not trying to be arrogant, and not trying to belittle anyone). I thought of how the Holy Ghost came to the aid of the Early Church, as recorded in the book of Acts, over circumcision. The devil was trying to divide The Church of God but some in The Church of God touched the throne of God and James proclaimed, “For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things” (Acts 15:28). But notice: the Holy Ghost had to be pleased first. Their decision had to first please the third Per­son of the Godhead. How can one please the Holy Ghost? By and through open­ing our heart to God for His will. The government of The Church of God is theocracy—or God ruled. We’re under the immediate direction of God. Folks, Holy Ghost filled people should be able to discern the Spirit! I believe that’s what happened at the Solemn Assembly.


You may say, “But Brother Risch, I think ‘so an so’ is the perfect one” and no doubt you are honest in your thinking. But listen to what Isaiah said in Chap­ter 55: 8, 9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heav­ens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”


If there is any Scripture that will help keep our ego in check it’s this Scripture: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts.” One could say, “But Lord, I know this man; he is honest, has a good personal­ity, good preacher,” and on and on. But God is saying “My thoughts are so much higher than yours. You see him as he is today, and rightly so, but I already see him in the tomorrows. I know if he is the one who can complete the work required in this office.” It’s one thing to be a good Pastor, or Overseer, or General worker, and another to actually fill the General Overseer’s office. Not belittling anyone, we need God’s man. We need God to give us direction. And I believe He will!


Who of us could compare with God’s knowledge for “as the heavens [not heaven] are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”


I thought of how high the heavens seem to be from the earth on a clear day or when looking down from that airplane from thousands of feet. Then think of Paul who said he knew a man caught up to the third heaven. I’ve got a big imagination, but when I compare my thoughts with One whose thoughts are three heavens higher, it seems sensible to take advice from the Lord when He said “heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool” (Isa. 66:1). This is why we must trust in the Lord and follow theoc­racy—for He already knows the person we need to fill this Office, and I believe He will reveal him to the Church!


We use this Scripture so much in evangelistic services: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matt. 7:7). But it is also the way to get other answers from the Lord. Verse 8 promises this: “For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh fin­deth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” If The Church of God will follow these instructions of Jesus the answer will come!


Let me say something about the power of prayer. Not since the Solemn Assembly have I heard so many encour­aging others to pray—setting times of prayer, times to fast. And God heard our prayers and blessed the Overseers with a great meeting. I feel in my heart God heard prayers like James wrote about in Chapter 5, verse 16: “The effectual fer­vent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” The dictionary tells this about these two words: Effectual is “to produce a designed effect.” Fervent means “to produce heat and heat produces energy.”


What does this kind of praying pro­duce? It can bring powerful results. Why? Because they get the attention of heaven. I believe some righteous people have been praying this kind of prayer these past several weeks. How many of you believe God will answer your prayer?


Going back to James 5:17, 18: “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.”


If historians are correct, it is said when James died they found his knees calloused like a camel’s knees from hours of prayer. But James preferred to write about Elijah, calling him a man with like passions as other men. Yet when it came to prayer he was not ordi­nary, for he actually believed God would answer his prayers.


Paraphrasing from the 17th and 18th chapters of 1 Kings, Elijah prayed that there would be no dew or rain for 3 ½ years. And it didn’t rain. He prayed that the widow woman’s meal and oil would not fail, and it didn’t. The widow wom­an’s son died and Elijah prayed and life returned to his body. Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven, burnt the sacrifice and wood, even the 12 stones around the altar, and the dust, and licked up 12 barrels of water around the altar! Elijah’s faith was so great that God would answer his prayer for it to rain that he sent his servant immediately to look from the mountain top for signs of rain. When the servant returned saying “There is nothing,” Elijah said “Go again” seven times, and on the seventh time the ser­vant returned saying “There’s a little cloud the size of a man’s hand.” One hand-sized cloud (in a clear sky) and Elijah knew his prayer was answered. “Servant, go tell Ahab to get off this mountain while he can!” Folks, that’s believing God will answer your prayers!


Remember what was said of Elijah? He was a man with like passions as we are. After all the miracles he did through Almighty God, he became discour­aged and wanted to die. But God wasn’t through with him. He and God had a meeting. (Read chapters 19 thru 22 of 1 Kings; also chapters 1 and 2 of 2 Kings).

Elijah anointed Elisha and they came to the Jordan River. Elijah smote the water with his cloak and they crossed on dry ground. Soon he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire and a whirlwind.

Listen Church of God, the Church has faced many trying times since A. D 28 but this is not the time to be discour­aged. Now is the time to believe God will answer our prayers just as He did for Elijah! I trust we have many Elijah's here today tho believe God will answer their prayer! Let us rise to the task of believ­ing there’s victory in Jesus!

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