Monday, September 30, 2013



Sanctification is an act of God performed by His Word and Spirit, by which "the old man" (the corrupt condition of man) is completely eradicated by the blood of Jesus Christ. Sanctified believer is free from the law of sin and death. In the act of justification, the sinner is forgiven of his personal transgressions, while in the act of sanctification, the result of the pollution of sin which makes the small man, is completely eliminated.

Additional comparisons between justification and sanctification would be of benefit to the understanding of sanctification as a second definite work of grace. The justification, removes the guilt of sins committed, while sanctification removes sin (the corrupt condition of man). Justification takes place in the court of God, God declares the sinner is righteous, while sanctification takes place on the inside of the man-God sanctifies the man through the blood that Jesus Christ shed, through His Spirit. Though justification and sanctification are defined and experiences which can be accomplished once and for all, the holy man must be "ready to perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord."

Sanctification is a crucial experience subsequent to salvation of the sinner. The experience of sanctification is carried out at a definite moment of time, and not gradually. However, the holy man has to cultivate his experience and control the impulses of the flesh. A. J. Tomlinson said:

"When one is purified and the carnal mind is removed, then the person is ready to perfect holiness in the fear of God. This purity of heart must be retained unless it is cultivated and used."

Holiness is one of the teachings of the Church, which "refers to a condition or lifestyle." The writer of Hebrews proclaims "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:"(Hebrews 12:14) The word" holiness "is translated from the Greek terminology hagiasmos. Hagiasmos is defined as sanctification, essential purity ".

When the Church of God declares that holiness is one of its teachings, the Church is simply implying that its members are encouraged to live a holy life, a life that is characterized by the "purity of heart", freedom from sin, state of being holy or dedicated and consecrated to the will of God. A holiness that can only come from an act of God through the ministry of the Word and the Spirit. Holiness, which is nothing more nor less than purity of heart and life, is made possible through the experience of sanctification.

Note: This is the exact word in Greek is in the original writings. The two words are written almost identical but with different meanings.

ἁγιωσύνη, n \ {hag-ee-o-soo'-nay} (Hgiasmos) 1) majesty, holiness 2) moral purity

aJgiwsuvnh, HJ, (a {gio ") holiness, holy thing, NT Rom. 1:4, II Corinthians 7:1 and 1 Thess. 3:13

aJgiasmov "` ou, oJ, consecration, sanctification, NT 1 Cor. 1:30, 1 Thess. 4:3-4, 2 Thess. 2:13

What is sanctification?
Sanctification is the experience that cleanses or purifies the heart of inbred sin. This is a definite experience (precise, specific, strict). This is ranked as the second definite work of Grace.

"By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." (Romans 5:2)

"But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" (1 Corinthians 1:30)

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour"(1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)

"Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach."(Hebrews 13:12, 13)

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

The Bible verses mentioned above prove that: We have access to this grace after we are justified.

Our sanctification is according to the will of God.

Jesus suffered outside the camp (door) to sanctify His people with His own blood.

We must cleave to Him for this experience.


Sanctification is necessary because even after being justified, the carnal mind is still present in us. Those who have carnal minds can not fully obey the Bible.

"Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.'' (Romans 8:7 , 8)

 When referring to the carnal mind we are referring to the Adamic nature. The Bible also calls'' the old man "and the" flesh, "which means the natural or carnal mind man.

The Bible confirms that the "old man" can be "removed" (stripped, eradicated ly "crucified."

"Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:" (Colossians 3:9, 10)

 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. "(Romans 6: 6, 7)

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. " (Galatians 2:20)

The following verses show that people were sanctified, proving that this is a definite experience. "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." (Hebrews 10:10)

"Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus..." (1 Corinthians 1:2)

"Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:" (Jude 1:1)

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