The Covering Removed
A. J. Tomlinson
The conflict is now on. The great forces of right and wrong are in lively combat. We know which side will win, but the wrong claims every inch of the ground and the only way right can prevail is by a lively and continuous struggle. Not only shall the right be on the defensive, but she shall wage a mighty offensive warfare.
There is but little said or written about the Lord's Church in these days except by a few humble followers of the lowly Nazarene. But these few can be numbered by the thousands when they are all put together. But when there are so few in comparison with the millions of earth's inhabitants, I do not see how there can be too much said on the subject.
It seems to amaze many to hear both men and women speaking in honor of this great institution. In our meetings it is very common to hear the people praise God for the great Church of God the same as for salvation. Of course, those who object to this do not really know what the Church is. If they knew it as it is, they would love it like we do.
The Church of God is Christ's own building. It is wrong to suppose some man is its founder. Jesus plainly told the disciples that He would build His Church and I believe what the disciples said about it. And nobody has any right to dispute their word. I fully believe that Christ did just what He said He would do.
There is a beauty and power about the Church of God that are not about other churches. Jesus said of His Church, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it." No doubt Jesus said this because He knew it would have strong opposition. But to encourage its members, He said it would hold its anchor and not be overthrown.
True, it has been beaten down and bruised and forsaken, but not entirely overthrown. It is strong now and full of glory and power. It is still holding steady and battling against sin with a strong hand. And while the enemy rages the Church still shines and looks good to those who have eyes to see it.
Some people seem to think that we talk about the Church too much, but how can we talk about such a good thing too much? By honoring the Church we honor its Divine Founder, Jesus Christ. He built it, and anything
He would build is surely worth talking about.
There are many people standing off to one side offering criticism, but anybody can do that. It does not take a smart man to offer criticism and object to things they cannot see and understand. I was recently told of an editor who once said that there are plenty of people who know just how to run a paper. They say certain things should not be in it, and certain other things should take the place, but the strange thing to him was that all those people who knew how to run a paper had no paper to run, and did not seem to be wanted for the work, and the responsibility was put upon a man who did not know.
As for myself, I believe that Jesus knew what He was doing when He built His Church. I believe He knew just what name to give it. I do not think any name could have been found more appropriate. If there could have been, I believe He would have found it and used it. But, no, He said, "I will build my Church." The expression would indicate that others were engaged in building churches, or would do so later on, so He wanted it distinctly understood that He would build His own Church, and that no other would be allowed to do it. Others might build churches, but they could not build His Church. He would do that Himself. And this He did.
Some seem to think that we had a hand in establishing the Church of God as it is today, but this is a mistake. We have only been assisting in removing the covering that was put upon it when the first creed was formed in the year 325. It was "snowed under" with creeds. It was covered over with men's laws and ways like a city covered over with ashes from the mouth of a belching volcano. Underneath is the city just like it was. The city of Pompeii lay buried under the cinders, ashes and volcanic stones that belched forth from the great Vesuvius, for nearly seventeen centuries. So completely was the unfortunate city buried under this overwhelming mass, that its very site was forgotten. It was not till 1 7 48 that an accidental discovery drew attention to its remains, and revealed the fact that beneath the vineyards and mulberry grounds which covered the site, there lay entombed the ruins of a city, far more accessible, if not more interesting, than another that had previously been discovered.
In the year 1775, systematic excavations on the site were begun. As this work continued, it revealed the fact that there, beneath eighteen and twenty feet of mixed material, was a beautiful city with streets laid off in regular order and a huge wall with towers and gates around it. As the excavations have continued, the buildings and writings are found and writers have been able to give a good description of the entire city. Once a flourishing beautiful city on top of the ground, then buried and remained covered for seventeen centuries, now uncovered so that it can be seen and occupied again.
This is similar to the Church of God. It was once beautiful and flourishing, and a refuge and a blessing to thousands. Then it was covered over and remained hidden until its very site and laws were forgotten. But it has been discovered, and on digging down it is found to be the very same Church that was built by our Lord. We do not build. We do not institute laws to govern it. It is already built. We only have to uncover. We only have to throw off the creeds and unbelief that have held it in darkness for about sixteen centuries.
There it is with the same laws, the same Holy Ghost, the same sanctified life of its members, the same sacredness, the same healings, the same miracles, the same officers, the same power, the same glory, and everything preserved and without decay. It has kept well. It is time for it to show to the world again. Like Pompeii, it has been unearthed, and the more of it that is uncovered, the more beautiful and regular in form it appears.
No special surprise about Pompeii being discovered and uncovered. Nobody says of it that they are building a new city. No, for it is plain to be seen they are only uncovering an old one. But when the Church of God is being uncovered they begin to say at once that they are building a "new church." But we know we are not building a new one. The gates of hell have not prevailed against the Lord's Church that He built any more than Vesuvius prevailed against the great city of Pompeii. Pompeii is out again. Its streets that were paved are traveled again. Many of its buildings are still in fair condition. Its former inhabitants are gone, but the city itself is still there. Peter and James, and John and Paul are gone, but their writings and instructions are preserved; the same form of government and everything pertaining to the building (Church) itself is sound and solid, just like it was when it was covered up centuries ago.
Since books and books have been written about Pompeii, then why is there anything wrong in writing books and books about the great Church of God that is of far more importance than a million cities like Pompeii? Indeed, there can be nothing wrong in it, and we expect to write and talk about it all we want to. It honors Jesus for us to do it. God honors the messages that are delivered about it by pouring out His Spirit upon the messengers and hearers.
The Church, "My Church," the Church of God! Jesus and Paul named it, and who has a right to object to it? We had nothing more to do with naming it than we had in building it at the first. We only accept the name given by them. Paul said he received the knowledge about it by revelation, and he said he followed Christ, and he hands it down to us as the Church of God and we do not expect to change it for anybody' s whims or criticisms. We are going to let it remain just like it is-just like we found it, except we are trying to clear off the filth and rubbish that was piled upon it by men who took the reins into their own hands and drove recklessly over it and dumped and belched and vomited as they went.
Vesuvius could not have belched more filth upon the beautiful city of Pompeii than was wantonly smeared upon the beautiful face of the Body of Christ. And this has continued for years, but it shall proceed no further. Jesus Christ will not submit to it any longer. He is going to take care of His own. The building has been preserved, but is now being uncovered and people are now flocking to it. They see in this beautiful form just what their hearts have been craving. A letter today (I am now writing late at night) stated that the writer saw in the Church of God just what he believed is right. He said that the church of which he was a member had no beautiful tithing system, and the government was almost nothing. He wants to come to the Church of God. He sees we have system and order. He sees that God is placing His glory upon it as He does not upon other organizations.
The Church of God! Hallelujah! People sometimes talk of establishing the "real Church of God." Let them try it if they want to. They will meet with defeat like hundreds of others have done. His Church is already established, and has been for nineteen centuries, and never has been overthrown. Hallelujah! No, it never has been overthrown! And it never will be overthrown! It was covered up, like Pompeii, as we stated above, but not overthrown. The words of Jesus cannot be broken and He said, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it"(Matt. 16: 18). That is good enough for me. I'm fearless and bold. I'm not afraid.
When Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem his enemies tried to weaken his hands by every means they could possibly invent. They tried to scare him, they tried to fight against him, they tried to get him to make a league with them and let them have a part in it, they tried to call him off down into the city of Ono, and at last, when everything else failed, they got a certain man to feign himself a particular friend of Nehemiah to persuade him to flee into the temple with him, and shut themselves up there, "for," said he, "they will come to slay three: yea, in the night will they come slay three.”
But listen to Nehemiah’s answer: “Should such a man as I flee? And who is there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.” In explanation of this Nehemiah says, “Lo, I perceived that God had not sent him, but that he pronounced this prophecy against me: for Tobiah and Sanballat hired him. Therefore, was he hired, that should be afraid, and do so, and sin, and that they might have matter for an evil report, that they might reproach me” (Neh. 6:1 0-13).
I wonder who has hired certain against me. I suppose it is the same that prompted Tobiah and Sanballat. They do not like to see the Church of God prospering like it is. They want to weaken our hands and intimidate us and try to get us to fear and doubt and thus cause others to do the same, but no, we are as solid as a rock. This is not our work, it is God's work, and we have no cause for fear.
That woman who feigned herself a prophetess, and the men who tried to prophesy against Nehemiah could not weaken him. He was God's man, and God held him up. And God will hold His man up every time. They have been trying me for years in a similar manner, but like Nehemiah, I l13ve made my prayer to my God and gone on. I have prayed similar to Nehemiah who Said, "My God, think thou upon Tobiah and Sanba/lat according to these their works, and on the prophetess Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets, that would have put me in fear."
But Nehemiah finished the wall. So God is going to finish His work. And by His help and with the wisdom He gives, we are going to finish the work He has chosen us to do. We are receiving many encouraging communications from many sources. But among these come the others. That is all right, I do not object, but my whole soul is in the work of the great Church of God and nothing discourages nor makes me afraid. I fear God only. I nestle close to Him, and He wonderfully holds me up and gives me a boldness that I know is beyond the natural.
I am always glad to counsel with those upon whom I can depend, but I refuse to counsel with the Tobiahs and Sanballats. God can make me know the difference in people as well as He made Nehemiah know. What God can do for me on these lines, He can do for you who are following this message. You need protection in these perilous times, and you may look out for the Tobiahs and Sanhllats to try to "hire" you, or in some way get you to doubt or draw back or compromise. But you must not do it. You must be bold for God and His Church. Stand for it as Gibraltar's rock. Stand as firm as Paul and we must not weaken and thus fall beneath what God has planned for us. Doubt Paul, when he holds up so strong for the Church of God? No! Never! Doubt Jesus, who said, ''The gates of hell shall not prevail against it?" A thousand times, No! Because He said it, we can say it, and say it fearlessly. Hallelujah! C1od is giving wisdom and knowledge as well as the other gifts. Some people are still looking for the gifts as if they have not yet been given, but where is one mentioned by Paul that has not been manifested?
Don't doubt God any longer by praying such a prayer. Why, just think of the wisdom God has showered down upon His humble followers; and knowledge, too. Many who can scarcely read and never went to school a day in their lives, have stood before large congregations with shining faces, and have spoken the Word of Life as if they had taken a three-year course in a university. Then, look at the faith that has been displayed so marvelously at times by many. Instantaneous healings and many other miraculous things, all by a manifestation of the gift of faith. Gifts of healings! What's the use to say that the gift of healing is not operating when thousands of cases have been instantly healed by the laying on of hands, or speaking the Word, right before your eyes?
The miracles, too! Why look for something miraculous to come from some unknown corner, when you see displays of this gift right before your eyes? Handling fire with no harm! Healings where people have been helpless for years, suddenly leap right out of bed-well in a moment! Lame made to walk! Blind to see! Dead called back to life! Swellings or tumors melted away under your hands, goiters disappear before your eyes! Hallelujah! It is wonderful! It is hardly necessary to mention the other four-prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretations. These have all been displayed before our eyes, and are manifest more or less in all of our services.
Beloved, be not faithless, but believing. Do not be doubtful about this when God has already given the whole catalogue of gifts. He will do more if you will stop doubting and acknowledge what He has already done and give Him praise and glory for it.
These gifts belong to the Church of God. Let them be manifested more and more. They are already here. They are now in the Church where they belong. Do not weaken them or get bound up yourself by doubting and begging the Lord for what we already have. If you have the Holy Ghost would you continue to ask God to give you the Holy Ghost? Of course not. But He ' may not manifest Himself every moment. But you do not say you do not have Him just because you do not talk in tongues all the time. By no means. You commence to honor Him and claim Him and say He abides and soon He will manifest Himself.
This analogy is just as true with the gifts. You may not see them displayed every moment, possibly not for several days or weeks, but they have been manifested and will be again if it is necessary and you keep the doubts away. I'm sure many of you have seen all these gifts displayed. Then why not accept them as being in the Church and believe God for a display at any time when it will be to the best interests to the Church and a glory to Him?
The Church of God! I will talk about it more and more. I love it because it is built by my Savior. Hallelujah! It is a sacred institution. It will soon outshine all other institutions and governments. By honoring the Church we honor its Divine Founder. Jesus and Paul named it and who has a right to object to it?
The battle will be fought to a finish and will soon be over. Then all who have stood true to the end will be glad, I am sure.
Come on, beloved, let us buckle on· the armor a little tighter and rush into the good fight of faith and win the victory and obtain the prize. God will be with those who stick to Him. He delights to honor and support His faithful and obedient children. He will care for us all in this last great conflict. Hallelujah!
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