Thursday, June 5, 2014


Chapter Eleven
The Proclamation was written by Brother Robert Pruitt as the Lord had moved on him at some point previous to the Solemn Assembly. He stated that He felt it would be needed at some point in time but not necessarily at the Solemn Assembly. But the Lord had other plans and moved on him to read it to the Solemn Assembly on the night he was anointed to be the General Overseer. It was accepted unanimously by the delegates of the Solemn Assembly.
We are gathered in this Solemn Assembly at the command of the Head of the Church, the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and at the urging of the Holy Ghost. In obedience to this command we have come here to seek the face of God by fasting, prayer, worship and whatever the Spirit will direct, to find the perfect will of God and to do it. As a group we meet in no other name than the Church of the Living God.
For the past several years, and especially the last three years, we have observed and witnessed a letting down on the divine standards and practices which have been incumbent upon the Church Christ set in order on Mount Hattin with His twelve apostles as the first members, and after the apostasy of the Dark Ages was found by and revealed to A. J. Tomlinson and others who met with him after he had prayed and sought God on the top of Burger Mountain, which is now a part of what is known as Fields of the Wood, in Cherokee County, North Carolina. It is widely believed and embraced by many, especially in the Church of God of Prophecy, both present and former members, that the revelation and vision which those received in the early days of the twentieth century and testified to and took the covenant of membership was the true Church which Christ set in order and was identified by both the witness of the Holy Ghost and overwhelming scriptural affirmation. And Whereas, the true Church continued under the name ‘’The Church of God,” then “The Church of God over which A. J. Tomlinson is General Overseer,” and then later “The Church of God over which A. J. Tomlinson was and M. A. Tomlinson is the General Overseer,” and still later “The Church of God of Prophecy.” And Whereas, at a meeting of the presbytery of the Church of God of Prophecy called by the General Overseer, M. A. Tomlinson, in May of 1990 to seek administrative assistance until the General Assembly, there were those of the presbytery who insisted that he step aside from the office of the General Overseer, because until he did so the presbytery could not go ahead to select a new General Overseer. Disregarding the principle and practice of unanimous consent, which is normally practiced in business matters in the Church, as selection was made with a vote of 48 for and 33 against, with some of the 33 never submitting to the selection. Five of the Overseers abstained from voting. Nevertheless, one was selected in this manner to be the new General Overseer. This was a clear and definite departure from the theocracy of God, the Church, and at the 1990 General Assembly the installation of the newly selected General Overseer appeared to many to be more the operation of the Questions and Subjects Committee than that of the General Assembly as a body. Many who felt that the General Overseer was selected by the Holy Ghost now are convinced that his leadership has so displeased the Lord as to disqualify him for office. And Whereas, at the General Assembly of 1991 there was another departure from the theocracy when the present General Overseer made a statement contradicting the 26th teaching of the 29 prominent teachings of the Church when he stated that members could be taken into the Church with wedding bands, opening the way to a wholesale disregard for the teaching by the Church against the wearing of gold for ornament. Also, in the General Assembly of 1991, although more or less sweeping powers were given to the General Overseer in good faith to cut back on the headquarters staff and to combine auxiliaries, extensive powers were taken not only to cut out and combine certain auxiliaries, but to create new ones such as the Center for Biblical Leadership which replaces Bible Training Institute and Tomlinson College, without General Assembly approval, betraying the trust and responsibility the General Assembly had placed into the hands of the administration in good faith. Also, in the General Assembly of 1992 another infraction was made against the theocracy when the General Overseer allowed the Questions and Subjects Committee to present a so-called “informational only report” which reflected the will of the General Overseer and the Committee to the neglect of the multitude of counselors, thus making the Committee and the General Overseer the highest tribunal of authority under God rather than the General Assembly. In addition to the above, the present administration of the Church of God of Prophecy has shown a great insensitivity to the Holy Ghost message which called for this Solemn Assembly. Little regard was shown for the message and great pressure was put upon some of those involved in the purveyance of it to alter and deny its validity.
The above mentioned departures from theocratic operation in the Church are only a few of the more open and blatant ones that have occurred in the present administration of the Church of God of Prophecy.
From the first major departure from the theocracy in May of 1990 by the selection of the new General Overseer, it is understood that from that point the theocracy ceased to function and has not been in operation since that time. The organization has continued to exist, but the theocracy has been abandoned. Those of the present administration of the Church of God of Prophecy, and those who have embraced these infractions under this administration have clearly departed from the divinely revealed principles of theocracy and are no longer the true Church. They have relinquished their rights and privileges to the divine Church of God by their heresies and apostasy, And Therefore, those who are holding to the doctrines and principles of the Church of God of Prophecy prior to the presbytery meeting of 1990, and who still embrace them, are the true Church. By the grace of God and by the infallible distinctions of the Scriptures we declare that we have not departed from the divine revelation of God through His Word and by His Spirit, and that unworthy and insignificant as we are as individuals, we, by divine decree, are the Body of Christ, the Church of the living God with Jesus Christ as the Head! And We have not denied the faith nor the covenant we made to become a member of God’s Church, the Body of Christ. We have been a faithful part of the body, And Therefore, those who are willing to stand together as the true Church of God, under the official name “The Church of God,” holding to the doctrines and principles of The Church of God of Prophecy as stated prior to the presbytery meeting of May, 1990 are asked to renew their covenant of membership as stated: “Will you sincerely promise in the presence of God and these witnesses that you will accept this Bible as the Word of God-believe and practice its teachings rightly divided-the New Testament as your rule of faith and practice, government and discipline, and walk in the light to the best of your knowledge and ability?”
Your answer in the affirmative to this covenant question constitutes a perpetual and everlasting covenant commitment to Christ and the Church, the Body of Christ, which is the unique and exclusive Body which was organized and commissioned on Mt. Hattin with the twelve apostles as the first members.
If you are already a member of this Body, the Church, having become a part of it by taking the above covenant administered by a duly authorized minister of the Church, you may renew this covenant, distinguishing the true Church from the apostate Church which has abandoned and rejected the theocracy.
The renewing of the covenant will constitute a beginning of the reorganization of the true Church under God and the theocracy. The membership of the reorganized Church will grow as renewals of the covenant are made in the local churches as duly authorized ministers administer it. Ministers who renew the covenant will be recognized and authorized on the basis and rank of their present ministry. Ministers and members who have been revoked or disfellowshipped because of the present disruption and division in the Church may be restored to their pre-disruption standing by appealing in person or in writing to the nearest local church authorized to receive members into the reorganized Church.
In the case of ministers, the local church conference of the reorganized Church will forward the recommendation for restoration to the General Headquarters which will be established at this Solemn Assembly as the Lord directs. Ministers being re-licensed will be asked to answer in the affirmative to a general questionnaire concerning doctrinal and theocratic aspects of the Church and its operation. Heresy will be dealt with swiftly and resolutely according to the Biblical definition and discipline. Heretics will be rejected.
If the Lord so ordains, a leader will be chosen at this meeting to serve until one can be confirmed and installed at a General Assembly approximately a year from this date. The membership of the reorganized Church throughout the world will constitute the General Assembly of The Church of God.”
The Proclamation made reference to a general questionnaire which all ministers being re-licensed must answer in the affirmative. That questionnaire is presented here:
(The following questionnaire is not intended to be a creedal statement, but rather to address areas of concern as to the Scriptural identity of The Church of God.)
1. The King James Version and Antigua Version De Casiodoro De Reina of the Bible up to 1909 A.D. should be the authority for our Bible teaching.
2. I believe in the whole Bible rightly divided and that the Bible Truths are all based on the Scriptures.
3. Our Advice to Members is based on sound biblical principles.
4. The Scriptural study entitled The Body of Christ has firm biblical basis.
5. One enters the Kingdom of God by being born again.
6. After becoming a kingdom saint, the ONLY way one becomes a member of the Body of Christ is by taking the covenant administered by a proper authority of The Church of God.
7. The same church which Jesus Christ organized arose out of the Dark Ages June 13, 1903 in Fields of The Wood in fulfillment of the “Arise, Shine” prophecy in Isaiah 60:1.
8. The All Nations Flag is the ensign given by God in fulfillment of prophecy and not merely a man-made cultural symbol born out of a traditional system.
9. Biblical identifying features make The Church of God the exclusive body of Christ as she follows the biblical principles of theocracy.
10. In the event that these principles are disregarded, a unified effort in support of theocracy should be expected from within this body.
11. In fulfillment of Scripture (John 17:21; 10:16) there shall be a corporate gathering of all God’s sheep to One Fold before the Rapture.
12. For the safety of God’s sheep, the biblical principle of Titus 3:10 (A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject) should be followed by all those in responsible positions.
The Counseling Committee drafted this questionnaire. Those serving on this committee were: Alvin Brantley, Chairman, Philip A. Wagar, E. Roger Ammons, David F. Risch, Ray D. Dupre, Herman D. Ard, and Eddie H. Griffith.
A. J. Tomlinson, the first General Overseer of The Church of God, in his Annual Address to the fourteenth Assembly in 1919 had the following to say about prophecy being fulfilled; “To think that God has raised us up, and placed us in His great plan, is almost too good to be true. I can think of Abraham, and Moses, and Elijah, and the apostles being in His wonderful plan, with perfect composure. I take this as a matter of fact and pass it by without much concern, but when I acknowledge that we, here and now, are just as truly fulfilling our part of God’s great drama, my heart swells with great emotion.
“What more can we say than has been said? What more can we do than others have already done? But they had their day and now this is our day We have doubtless entered the last scene of the last act of this stupendous drama, and now playing our part in it. Angels are our spectators; devils are our opposers; but this part has to be enacted as well as any other…”
Brother Tomlinson realized what many people today seem to overlook. That is, that God has a program to be played out on the stage of life and He has chosen the cast of characters to fulfill a pre-ordained role in His great drama. The prophet Amos said: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7). The apostle Peter said: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed…” (1 Peter 1:19). God has not left us in the dark when it comes to understanding His program or His dealings with the sons of men. He has ordained a prophetical program to guide His servants as they yield to His will.
The Church of God is very precious to the heart of God. It was ordained before the foundation of the world.
The Son of God gave His life’s blood to purchase her. He promised to return for her and take her unto Himself to be forever with Him. We, the Church, will rule and reign with Him forever. As dear as the Church is to the heart of God, it would be unthinkable that He would fail to enlighten her of her unique role through prophetic utterances. This He has done and the Holy Ghost has revealed the mystery and fulfillment of the prophetical utterances about the Church to her at the proper time.
According to the prophet Amos, all that God does, He foretells in His prophetic Word. He foretold of the birth of His Son in detail including the slaughter of innocent children by the wicked king Herod, and His sojourn into and return from Egypt. His death was prophesied in detail right down to the soldiers gambling for His raiment. Concerning the Church; it’s establishment was prophesied along with it’s going into the apostasy of the Dark Ages. It’s “arise shine” was also prophesied along with her glorious triumph of leaving the earth victorious in the Rapture. Why then would God be silent of the events between the “arise shine” and the rapture? The truth is that He was not silent. The two disruptions were foretold in Scripture. See Isaiah 49:20, 21 and Zechariah 13:8, 9 for just a couple of references. God has not left us without a prophetic witness concerning the events surrounding the disruption of 1993. The glorious and powerful Solemn Assembly was foretold in the second chapter of Joel, verses 15-17, and in the third chapter of Zephaniah, verses 18-20. The Holy Ghost bore witness to these things. Likewise, the raising up and work of the “Concerned” was prophesied in the third chapter of Malachi.
Just as the identity of Christ was proven by the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning Him, the identity of The Church of God will also be known by all the prophecies concerning her. The apostle Peter said, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy…” The fulfillment of prophecy has identified and will continue to identify who The Church of God of the Bible really is. We do not have to doubt when we look into the sure Word of God. When we do this, and realize as Brother A. J. Tomlinson did, that God is using us to fulfill His divine Word, it will cause our hearts to swell with great emotion, also. The realization of it should cause us to fear the Name of the Lord and walk before Him in obedience and humility. Those who do not believe can put their questions and misgivings to rest when they see and understand that God has indeed performed these things and that this that has happened was not the results of a few disgruntled people. It was rather the Spirit of God driving us to this end. Our prayers are that each one who hears or reads of the things spoken of in this book will feel the assurance in their hearts and find the peace that comes with trusting God’s faithful and eternal Word.


Chapter Ten
Given at the South Cleveland Church
April 25, 1993
This is the message by the Holy Ghost that called for the Solemn Assembly. The interpretation came through the pastor, Daniel Carlton.
“Little flock, I told you it would be a short time. It is no coincidence that I call you My little flock; have I not chosen you? Have you not held to My covenant? Yea, no accident, it was no accident that My dear one found in the records of the past that I called thee, ‘the little flock ‘ I told you it would be a short time. Now my children, take heed, much will be said. Review it, look over. “I speak to you first, oh I speak to you first. Lo, I tell you there is a conspiracy against thee. I uncover the evil deeds. I show thee openly so that you may know. I will tell you later what to do, but Lo, I tell you the plan has been made. My children, they desire for you to cease. They do not want you to continue. I will tell you what to do later, at the end of the message. I will speak to you about this again. You ask, ‘Why?’ They will ask you why. Yea I will tell you this, yea, did I not use the prophets when My kings cried out? When they cried out to know what the word of the Lord was, did I not use My prophets to send a message to them? Yea, I say, I use you as one of the prophets to cry out to the king. They will say ‘Why? Why not us? Why were we not informed of this?’ Yea, yea, I ask this question: ‘Can one who is blind lead one who has sight?’ Woe, woe to the one who has sight and will let the blind lead him; they shall both fall in the ditch. Woe, I say, the one who has sight and is being lead by the one who has blindness is a greater fool of all. They ask ‘Why not us?’ I say, yea, the dumb ass saw the angel when the mad prophet saw it not. Lo, I say today, My leaders know not the moving of My Spirit.
“Yea, yea, I speak this to you to let you know, yea My children, I now speak to you concerning things to come. Take heed! Take heed! Take heed! Run with the message, it must be done very quickly. It must be done very fast lest the enemy rise up. Lo, there is a short space and if it is not done I will remove My hand from thee and it shall not come to pass. But, yea, I tell you, to speak the words that it may come to pass. Lo, Lo, I speak to you concerning the group that is called the ‘Concerned.’ Yea, I tell you, they have made mistakes. Yea, three times have they looked to the world. I tell you, three times they looked to the world. Have I not warned thee not to look to the world, or to man? I say, three times they have; three times they have. Yea, those of you that know, you know the three times. Woe! Woe! Woe! But, yea I do say this, do not turn against this group. Yea, they have been running, seeking My face. Woe, I say, there are many in the ranks that are as you, they love Me. They love the Church. But Lo, I do tell you this, there is some among them that is not of their heart. They have been set there to do an evil work. But Lo, Lo, I say this, carry the message to them. They come together, they sit in councils, in the councils as the Church of God. I ask them, ‘Why, why do they go by another name?’ They come and sit in council as the Church of God; why do they call themselves by another name? Lo, if they come together again and call themselves the Council of God, yea, then let them call themselves by the name I have given them. Yea, are they not called the Church of God? Yea, I say, why? Why use another name? Lo, this has caused more confusion. My people don’t know, they don’t understand, they can’t perceive. Why is this other name there? Lo, I say, carry the message and tell them.
“But now, my children, I speak not only to you, but I speak to the Church of God. Lo, what I tell you to do, you must run quickly. Again I say, run quickly. My children, the seventh month, the seventh month I, the Lord Jesus; I, the Head of the Church, Lo, I the Head of the Church call; I call for a Solemn Assembly. The seventh month I call for a Solemn Assembly. Yea, the leaders did not take heed. Lo, Lo, they did not hear Me, but I now speak through this message. I now call the Church of God together in this area. Yea, you must come back to this area. Lo, I speak, I call a Solemn Assembly. Look to My Word, is it not there in the book of Joel? Look to My Word. Yea, tell them, ‘Thus saith the Holy Ghost, thus saith the Lord of Hosts.’ Tell them I have called My priests, I have called My ministers to weep between the porch. Lo, I call the assembly three days; three days in the seventh month I call them. Yea, I now speak to you, run to the group that is known as the ‘Concerned.’ Tell them to quickly move, I have provided them with the finances to secure the property. Lo, I know you, as a small group, do not have this means, but I have laid the means there. Spread the news, spread the news, spread the news! Yea, now will I tell you, my children, this will cause a great uproar in the Church. Lo, I speak to you now and tell you they will come against you with great fury. Oh, I told you I have hardened their hearts. They will fly forth out of the city. But, Lo, I say, they cannot harm thee. Tell them! I say Tell them! Tell them this is what the Lord has said, Tell them, I say! Yea, was it not the man who gave the council of elders this advice when My Church was going forth in the city of Jerusalem? Was it not Gamaliel who told them, that said, ‘If they be of God we cannot stop them, but if they be not of God it will fail?’ Therefore, his advice was to leave them alone, to leave My Church alone. Yea, tell the elders to leave this alone. Tell them to leave this alone. If they say, ‘Why?’ Tell them, have I not called for the annual assembly? Did I not call for My people to come up once a year to meet with Me? They have broken My commandments. Yea, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, I have called a Solemn Assembly. Lo, now, My children, I tell you again, run, run fast, run swiftly, because I will do a great work there. Yea, I tell you there is much more to come. Yea, My children, I do tell you now, I, I the Lord, tell My people, ‘I’ve heard their cries.’ Tell them, tell them I’ve heard their cries and I have come down. Tell them I have heard, I have heard their cries. I have heard the cries and I have come down. Oh, I have come down, I have come down. Tell the people in the seventh month, there is a great healing, a great healing. Oh, tell the elders if they touch this, death shall surely come. Tell the elders they better not touch. Use the advice that Gamaliel told. Use the advice that that man spoke: ‘If it be of Me there is no way to stop it, but if it be of man it will fail.’ But, Lo, Lo, I say, I am moving. I’ve come down, I’m moving. Yea, I say again, I speak again, do not look to the ‘Concerned’ and cast an evil eye. I have raised them up to do a work. I’ve raised them up to do a work Do not point the finger, do not point the finger. Yea, I’ve called them to do a work, but Lo, now, My people, I say, the work I have called you to do is even greater. For thus saith the Lord, I have told you to call all My people together to sit in the council as the Church of God.
“Oh, the vision is true, the vision is true. I spoke to My man, the vision is true. While he was leaving this world I spoke to the man, the vision is true. I speak to you, My little flock, there is a great scattering. Oh, My people, the flock is scattered. Woe to the shepherds, woe to the shepherds that scatter My flock. But Lo, I speak to you, little ones. I say, make the cry, make the cry, make the cry Come together, My people. Come together, My people. Come together, My people. Why the Solemn Assembly? Why the Solemn Assembly? Oh, Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel! Oh, Mount Carmel; look to My Word. Yea, the time is come for My people to know who is the Lord, who is the Word, what is the Truth. Yea, there has been a presumption made. Lo, some have presumed. Yea, My prophet Elijah presumed that he was the only one and he ran to seek death that he may die. Israel may fall. Lo, I speak, some, some have broken free. They have presumed that they were the only ones that were left. But yea, I told my servant Elijah, there were seven thousand that had not bowed. Yea, I say to you, My people, there is many, a small remnant that has not bowed. Yea, I speak to those who have left, tell them to come back Tell them to meet, tell them to meet with Me in the Solemn Assembly. Yea, I speak to you now, My children, I tell you to speak to that group that is known as the ‘Concerned.’ Tell them not to announce that this is one of their meetings. Tell them this is not a meeting for the ‘Concerned,’ but tell them, ‘Announce that the Holy One has spoken and said this is an Assembly for the Church of the Living God.’ Yea, My children, as My servant Moses came down from the mountainside he found Israel had gone a whoring. Yea, I say, I have come down from the mountain. I say, I have come down from the mountain and Lo, I have found my people have gone a whoring. Yea, they have made themselves golden images, yea, yea, thus saith the Lord, I am against them. Repent. I have called for repentance. You bow down to the gods of this world. yea, I have come down. Your sin is before me. You are naked before Me. Woe, I speak to you. I have come down from the mountain and now, as My servant Moses cried that day, he said, ‘Who is on the Lord’s side?’ And the Levites came forth in the midst and the Levites gathered to the side of one man. Yea, I call now and say, ‘Who, who, who is on the Lord’s side? Who is on the Lord’s side? Who is on the Lord’s side?’ Woe, woe, woe unto the pastors who have scattered My flock. Woe unto the pastors who have scattered My flock Yea, I will spew you out! Fear, Fear, the Living God!
“But, yea, My children, little flock! Little flock, yea, little flock, yea little flock, Yea, I speak to you now and tell you there is coming a move of My Spirit. It is known as the latter rain. Lo, I will gather those that have been scattered. Oh, I will call to them as a hen has called to her chicks. They will gather underneath My wings. She is calling. I say, call My Church. Call, call My Church. Behold, I warn you, I warn you, run quickly, run quickly, run quickly, run quickly, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lo, I say run. Take it to the man, take it to the man! Yea, I tell you now, take it to the man, Take it to Bob Pruitt. Tell him to move quickly. If he does not move quickly the door will be shut and I will raise up another. Yea, I say, I move and I will raise up another. Move quickly, move quickly.
“Now, My children, I call to your remembrance, I told you there is a conspiracy against thee. My children, little flock, you must stand beside the one I have anointed to speak to you. Has he not preached My Word? Have I not given you the messages, sermon after sermon? Have I not spoke to you? Will you not stand beside the anointed one? They will call you. They will tell you, you are in rebellion, but Lo, I tell you, I, the Head of the Church, have told thee to stand. You must act, it must be recorded down. You must act, you must take a stand. Lo, I tell you if you do not, I will quickly remove you and I will take this one, he will go elsewhere and I will raise up another. They say, ‘Touch not My anointed.’ Lo, I say, My Church is My anointed and they have touched the apple of My eye. They have touched the apple of My eye.
“And now, My children, now, My children, I close out the third message. My children, you are in harms way, but tell the people to come. You are small, but run and tell them. Tell them to come out of the houses of death, and to come. Be bold, tell them I, Jesus, have said to come forth and to come to this, come to this little group. I promise you, yea, I swear by Myself, whom is no higher, that I have a great work for you if you will obey. Lo, Lo, now, My children, I speak to you this time and tell you that there is one of you I will use to finish the interpretation. Woe, there is action you must do. I tell you now that you will know, that you will feel and be confirmed in your heart…I tell you to do this, but you must come forth and obey Me at this time. My servant cannot obey Me! I must use you! Yea, I say take heed Take heed. Take heed. Take heed. Take heed. Take heed, move quickly. Move quickly. And now, My children, obey Me.
(This is where the one who was to finish the message began interpreting. This one was Dean Patterson, a lay minister in the South Cleveland Church). “I say unto thee, hear My servant, he speaketh the truth. What I’ve told you is true. My judgment is ready to fall in My house. I will remove all the false prophets. I say, I will remove all the false prophets. I will remove all the hirelings that are only in it for the money. They are only in it for the gain and the popularity of this world, I will shut the doors on these who have mislead My people. They have lied and deceived My people. I will shut the door on these. They will have no part of the Church. They will have no part in Me. Take heed to My Word. Let the Holy Ghost lead you and guide you. Stand on My Word. Hold the Banner high. Do not be afraid to make a stand for the truth. Go forth into battle, this is a spiritual warfare. You will need the Holy Ghost to fight this war, this battle you are now engaged in. I tell you, I will close the doors on these false prophets and these hirelings, and I will raise up men after mine own heart that will proclaim the whole council of My Word, that will speak My oracles. You are in famished land, but the famine will soon come to an end. There will be a time of feasting. I will reveal to you the deep hidden things of My Word. Take heed. Follow Me. Obey Me. Live by My Word. Live by My law. Beware of the false prophets. Beware of the hirelings that have lead My people astray. There is victory on top of victory for the Church of God. I say unto you this night, no matter what the false prophets say, I will have a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle. There will be One Fold. There will be One Shepherd. I say unto thee this night, do not listen to what the hirelings are telling. Do not listen to their lies and deception. There is great deception in the Church this day, but I say unto thee, it will soon be over. I will reveal My Word unto you. I will show you the things I want you to see in My Word. Take heed and listen to Me this night. I will lead you and guide you. I will show you what you must do. I will do a quick work. I will have a Holy Church. I will have a people that will listen to Me, that will obey Me and follow My commands. Take heed I say this night, and listen to Me and follow Me and obey Me.”
Following are a few personal observations and reflections on the third Holy Ghost message:
The message was directed to both, the Church in general through the “Concerned” and to the South Cleveland local Church. The local Church was warned of persecution because of their being used of God and making a stand for the truth. Special instructions were given to the local congregation to take the message to those of whom He had spoken to us of and to stand faithful in the face of opposition.
The message referenced the “Concerned,” pointing out that they made three mistakes by looking to the world three times. It is natural that speculation will surface as to the meaning of this rebuke. We will not attempt to go into anything of that nature here. In spite of this rebuke, the Holy Ghost said that God had raised them up to do a work and warned us not to point a finger at them. They were on God’s prophetic program and time-table and they fulfilled the purpose which God had raised them up to do.
There was a reference to one who had had a vision. This reference was to Henry Callis, who had seen a vision just hours before his passing into eternity. He was very low and weak, physically. He rallied in a glorious outburst of praise and testimony as he forcefully told of a vision he had seen form the Lord. This vision was concerning the disruption the Church was soon to face and the healing that was to come afterward.
The Holy Ghost had said that the Church leaders had broken His commandments. This was in reference to having the Assembly every two years rather than annually. He pointed out that He had called for His Church to meet with Him once each year and their skipping a year between assemblies was breaking His commandment.
He reminded us that Israel had gone a whoring and made unto themselves golden images. He compared their sin to the present sin of the Church. We had done the same thing and had gone a whoring by taking unto ourselves golden images when we allowed, through a somewhat democratic fashion, to allow for the wearing of gold for ornament in the Assembly of 1991. He plainly said that our sins were before Him and that we were naked before Him. As Moses commanded those of his day to choose sides, God was calling for a choice as to who was on the Lord’s side at this time. The Solemn Assembly would be the show down and the time and place of choosing which side we would be on.
Toward the end of the message, the Holy Ghost said that there was action that must be done. One was to step forward and finish the interpretation. By doing this, he was to confirm in his heart and not be afraid to act when the time would come. He went on to say that His servant could not obey Him without this action taking place. God was saying that He must use another as a springboard for this action to take place. The fulfilling or outworking of this part of the Holy Ghost message took place on Saturday evening of the Solemn Assembly on July 24, 1993 when God used the very one that He had called on to finish the third message. This one came forth under the anointing of God and led Brother Pruitt to the front to be anointed as the General Overseer over The Church of God which was, at that very moment, being separated from the apostate organization. The implication of the message was that Brother Pruitt could not present himself as the one to be anointed as General Overseer. This bringing forth had to be done by another. When God used this one in the interpretation, it was his confirmation that he was doing the right thing when God used him to take Brother Pruitt by the arm and lead him forward. From that moment on, God took over the scene and performed His extraordinary work in The Church of God on that memorable night.


Chapter Nine
The effects of the Solemn Assembly were both immediate and long term. After the Saturday evening session, an auditorium concession stand employee remarked to an Assembly delegate, “God has done something special for you people tonight.” This observation from a non-member shows that the works of Almighty God do not go unnoticed. A glorious work of God such as this will have its effect on the world, beginning at the source of the event. A similar reaction occurred when the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Church at Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. It was noised abroad from Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the earth. The effects of the Solemn Assembly would be felt world-wide also, beginning at Chattanooga, Tennessee.
A few weeks after the Solemn Assembly, a sister from England was moved on to come to America. She had no finances and wondered why God inspired her to come here when no special event was taking place. She prayed for God to supply the need if indeed it was truly Him who wanted her to come. God did supply the need and she came in obedience to God. She providentially met with the District Overseer of East Tennessee and told him about the events that brought her here. This meeting led to her covenant renewal and when she returned to England, The Church of God message went with her.
About two years later, a letter was received at the Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga, Tennessee asking for information about the group which held the Solemn Assembly there. The letter was from Nigeria, West Africa. The information in the letter had the dates, place and name of the moderator stated correctly. The letter was addressed to: “Memorial Auditorium, Shatternooga, Tennessee.” Yes, that is correct, “Chattanooga” was misspelled. The letter contained no street address nor postal zip code, but it got through and was handed to officials at General Headquarters. As a result of this inquiry, the Church was established on the continent of Africa. Since then we have seen the Church spread over a vast region of this continent, reaching at least a half-dozen or more nations.
One day in January, 1999, a man showed up at the General Office and announced that he was from India. He said that he had heard of the reorganization of the Church and that a few people had gotten together and worked to save up finances to send him to us to find out more information. He joined the Church in the General Overseer’s office and went back to India to establish The Church of God there. Other fields opened to us in similar fashion. God has indeed worked after the council of His own will and has propelled this work forward in ways beyond our natural understanding.
The news media recognized the events which had happened during this disruptive time with a short news story which was slanted in favor of the other organization. The overall public reaction and acceptance of us as the re-organization of The Church of God was fair and appreciative, however.
The Holy Ghost had told us that some of those associated with the Concerned were with us but not of us. Some of these came with The Church of God in a covenant renewal. Their presence among us has helped fulfill the Scripture in Zechariah 13:8 and 9: “And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.” The two parts which were cut off were the results of the disruptions of 1923 and 1993. We are the third part which is going through the fire. The purpose of this fire is to purify the Church and cause it to reach the state of perfection which must be obtained before the Rapture. In spite of the fact that God had done a glorious work at the Solemn Assembly when the Remnant had come to present themselves before the Lord, Satan came also among us to accuse us and destroy our influence just as he did as recorded in the book of Job. Some of these began to drift away soon after the Solemn Assembly while others stayed to do their deadly work of deceiving and troubling The Church of God. These things hurt us deeply, but they were in fulfillment of the Holy Ghost message to the Church.
There are some interesting parallels between both disruptions of the Church, the one in 1923 and the one in 1993. We will note some of these here. Both disruptions had experienced financial difficulties and doctrinal disunity. The act of restoration took place on July 24, exactly 70 years apart. The actual business of reorganizing in both instances took place in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A General Assembly followed each occasion in the month of November. There were needful business considerations concerning the name of the Church on both occasions. In 1923 the Church was officially known as the General Assembly of the Churches of God. This error had to be corrected to give the Church back its Biblical name which is “The Church of God.” In the Solemn Assembly the Church also took back its rightful Biblical name of “The Church of God.” The courts of the land had forced us to use the name “Church of God of Prophecy,” in 1952 as a result of the numerous lawsuits brought against us by the opposing organization. It is interesting to note that the attorney representing the Church in 1952 made a statement after the Judge had handed down his decision on the name change, that a day would come when the words “of Prophecy” would fall by the wayside. Had we waited for this to come through General Assembly action, no doubt we would never have gotten the courage or inspiration to make it so; but God set the stage and gave us the courage to make the change during the glorious Solemn Assembly. There were legal entanglements between both organizations after the disruption of 1923 and the same is true of us today. By necessity, the Church’s official publication had to begin anew. In 1923 the Church paper was called “The White Wing Messenger.” In 1993 the name of the newsletter which the “Concerned” had published, “The Evening Light,” became the official Church publication. After the first disruption, some brethren went to visit a local church in the State of Illinois. During the meeting, the door was opened and a broom was used to symbolically sweep the trash out of the Church. The “trash,” of course, was the true element which stood with A. J. Tomlinson. After the last disruption, a local church in the State of New Mexico covered all their windows with black coverings and had a symbolic candlelight funeral service for those “dead saints” which had renewed their covenants with The Church of God.
During the ten years following the Solemn Assembly, The Church of God has grown from 23 churches to around 575. There were 138 ministers renewing their covenants at the Solemn Assembly. We now have over 950 ministers. We have grown from approximately 700 members to nearly 13,000. The numbers change almost daily. We were organized in only one country at the time of the initial reorganization which was the United States. We are now organized in over 40 countries. God has blessed us with a modern General Headquarters building which is debt free and a print shop which is adequate for our present printing needs. We are in the process of constructing an addition to our present office building which will more than double the present size. To this date, the building addition is also debt free. We have set up satellite printing facilities for the Spanish work in Honduras and Argentina. We also have a small printing operation established in the Philippines. Literature is being printed at commercial print shops in Haiti, India and Indonesia. Church literature has been translated and printed in several additional languages. The Evening Light is being printed in several languages and countries. The controversy over the name of the Church seems to be dying as we hold to our resolve to keep it “The Church of God.” God gave us a new design for our Church flag in the Assembly in 2001. That controversy seems to be dead also. God has truly blessed His Church beyond measure in this short time period. We all feel that we are in the last “home stretch” just before the Rapture. The Spirit of worship and praise has settled down upon us, as we are realizing the times in which we live. God is truly doing His work of purging His Church and getting it ready for the inflow and, subsequently, for the much anticipated Rapture. Only God knows just when this momentous event will take place. From all indications of the signs and events around us, both in the Church and also in the world, that glorious time of perfection and being raptured away cannot be far off. Will the Church hold to the standard this time and be ready for this great event? IN FULFILLMENT OF GOD’S WORD AND BY HIS GRACE WE WILL!
“The Spirit and bride say, come…Even so, come Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:17).


Chapter Eight
The historical meeting known as the Solemn Assembly officially opened at 9:00 A.M., Friday, July 23, 1993. The meeting was held at the Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga, Tennessee and was moderated by Robert J. Pruitt. It seemed befitting that he should moderate this meeting since the Holy Ghost had directed the South Cleveland Church to take the message to him. He said: “Yea, I tell you now, take it to the man. Take it to Bob Pruitt. Tell him to move quickly.” The Holy Ghost was not contradicting Himself when he said to take the message to the “Concerned” and to Bob Pruitt. Brother Pruitt was an active participant in the Concerned. Also the Holy Ghost had sternly warned us to tell the Concerned not to announce that this was one of their meetings but a meeting for the entire Church of God. It would not seem appropriate for one of the Concerned Representatives to moderate the meeting in light of these instructions by the Holy Ghost. The Solemn Assembly program bore the following announcement. “This Solemn Assembly was called by The Holy One in a Holy Ghost message and interpretation in the South Cleveland Church on April 25. This assembly is not being held or called by the group called The Concerned. However, several people who are actively involved with The Concerned, as well as numerous others, members and non-members have been instrumental in helping us obey this call of God.’’
Many who helped us obey the call of God for the Solemn Assembly used their own means to spread the word. Announcements were printed in newspapers and other announcements were printed and mailed around the country by many individuals in an effort to obey the call and help spread the word. Many telephone calls were also made at great expense by many people who were anxious for this move of God. Painted signs were placed along the highway and on lawns of homes of members. Even some billboards were rented for advertising the Solemn Assembly.
In the midst of this blaze of fervor and excitement for the anticipated event, there was pressure being applied by the presbytery of the Church of God of Prophecy for no one to attend this meeting, especially the ministry. This had to be, according to the Holy Ghost message when He said that they would fly forth out of the city, but they could not harm us. In spite of the threats, the people’s spirits were not dampened.
An estimated crowd of around 2,300 people gathered at the Memorial Auditorium on that memorable Friday morning, to participate in this prophetical and historical meeting. They came fasting and praying with one thought in mind; and that was to find the will and direction of God. The first session began with announcements, a song, a Scripture reading, flag pledge and a prayer challenge. The announcements stated that we were here in obedience to the Holy Ghost message to fast and pray and seek God’s will. The moderator encouraged us all to yield to the Holy Ghost to find the will of God. A trumpet sounded as the Church was challenged to “Awake, awake, O, Church of God;” another trumpet sound and challenge to “Hearken unto Our God, O, Church of God,” and a third trumpet sound and challenge to “Obey and submit, O, Church of God.” The trumpet sounds were in keeping with Scripture; for the prophet had spoken nearly three millennia ago to “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly.” The congregation went on their knees in prayer for a lengthy session before the throne of God. After a season of prayer, the Holy Ghost spoke in two messages and interpretations. Gleanings from these messages are as follows: “O, O, O, My people, My people, I have called. Yea, ye have obeyed…I am going to do a great work…There will come a great healing. O, My people, this is the last days. I am calling, calling you out. Oh stand without sin before Me…Many are yearning; many are hungry. Oh, be ye ready, be ye ready to feed My people. They will come…Yea, before this meeting is over, I shall do a mighty work in thee.” After this prayer time and visitation of the Spirit, a minister ministered the Word of God from the pulpit. Following this message, announcements were made and the first session of the Solemn Assembly came to a close.
Each session of the Assembly followed the same basic format, more or less, with time given for the Holy Ghost to intervene at will. There were seven more messages and interpretations on this first day. Excerpts from these are given here. “Be not afraid of what is taking place…I will not lead you to the wrong place or to the wrong thing.…stay in the old paths. Stay with My Word. I will make a way of escape…I will bring you through the fire…Stay low before Me; humble yourselves. You are My Body; you are My Church… I will lead you and guide you into all truth… Yea, I say unto thee My people. Have you not taken a covenant? Yea, I say that covenant is perpetual. Yea, I say… if thou has not disobeyed—still hold that covenant… Yea, it is up to you to carry forth—to carry forth My covenant to show the world that I have a covenanted people… Obey Me. Listen, listen, listen, do not deviate from the path. Listen to My Word; listen to My Spirit for they agree.”
Many were praying and weeping audibly throughout these prayer times. Groanings in the Spirit continued all across the auditorium. The moderator encouraged us to pray until we found the will of God. He stated that the Solemn Assembly could not close until we found God’s will. He encouraged us to get into an attitude of spiritual weeping before God and have a willingness to let God speak to us and to help us to respond. He stated that time was short and the hour was late and that God wanted to do something and that we wanted Him to do it.
Weeping and praying before God continued for two days. The Holy Ghost continued to manifest Himself as He spoke to us. The Solemn Assembly progressed in this manner well into the final session of the second day. A prayer line for healing was formed by ministers; those desiring prayer went through it and were prayed for. After this prayer line, another prayer challenge was made. One of the verses of Scriptures read in this prayer challenge was Hosea 6:2: “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” Little did we know that within a short time, even minutes away, God would fulfill this verse of Scripture right before our eyes. As this season of prayer began to come to a close, a brother went on stage and read two verses of Scripture which were requested of him by some other brethren. One of these verses was Ezekiel 22:30: “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” As the minister stood on stage with the Church flag, he began to challenge those who would, to stand in the gap for the Church of God. Ministers began to come to the platform to stand in the gap for the Church of God. At this time, prayer began to go up as a wave of Holy Ghost power swept through the auditorium. The collective vocabulary of the human race is not sufficient to describe the scene that followed. The power of Almighty God swept down throughout the entire auditorium in a manner which compares to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost. Many hundreds witnessed a move of God which far surpassed anything we had ever witnessed in our lifetime. The concrete floor literally shook and rolled like the waves of the sea. Many people actually witnessed the floor moving as thought it was waves of water on the sea. A mighty roaring filled the auditorium. Many others witnessed phenomena not associated with everyday life. In the midst of this tremendous outpouring of the power of God, two brethren under the anointing of the Spirit, led Brother Pruitt to the Bible stand. Ministers gathered around the Bible stand to pray as the Holy Ghost anointed Brother Pruitt as the General Overseer of the Church of God. A message and interpretation came forth which said: “…yea, I say unto thee, I have a man that will stand in the gap. I have placed My anointing upon him. Follow him; yea, for I have moved… Yea, I say, I call for oil. Yea, I say unto thee. I call for oil. I call for anointing oil… (Brother Jerry Wilda hands the oil, and Brother Roger Batson anoints Brother Pruitt with oil as the Holy Ghost message continued), This day, this day, I have done a work in The Church of God; and I anoint thee with oil.”
The mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost continued as saints rejoiced in this great victory for the Church of God. The slogan used by a former General Overseer, A. J. Tomlinson; “I see nothing but victory upon top of victory for the Church of God,” was surely being experienced here tonight. Church flags were waving, people were shouting, some were lying on their faces, some were running as the spirit of rejoicing continued. We had cause for rejoicing, because God had divinely intervened and reorganized His Church to continue in the OLD PATHS of truth and victory. This was indeed the year of Jubilee for the Church of God; just as God had previously promised in His Word and in a Holy Ghost message in February of this year.
The second message in calling for the Solemn Assembly stated: “There is an anointing coming down.” That anointing came down on Saturday night, July 24, 1993 as a new leader was chosen by God to lead the Church of God. Another message in tongues came forth at this time to confirm what had just happened. It said (in part):“Follow My anointed one, I say. Follow him; I have chosen him for a mighty work Come out. Come out from among the world and be ye a separate people, I say… l am going to bring My Church through the fire…I told you the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church. I have the answers, My people. Look to Me; look to My Word. Follow My leader as he follows Me.”
During this time of intense spiritual manifestation, the General Overseer was stricken to his knees twice under the power of God. The Assembly unanimously accepted the Holy Ghost’s selection and anointing of Brother Pruitt as the new General Overseer by a standing ovation. As the fervor began to subside somewhat and Brother Pruitt was able to regain his composure, he made the following statement to the Solemn Assembly: “I am as surprised and shocked as any of you. I never thought this would ever happen. There is only one thing that I fear more than assuming responsibility such as this, and that is to fail God. I feel the most inept, the most unqualified among God’s servants to act in this capacity. I only want the will of God.”
Prior to this time, God had moved on Brother Pruitt to write a “Proclamation” which he felt might be presented at some point in the future, but not necessarily during the Solemn Assembly. This seemed to be the point in time to do just that. Brother Pruitt read the Proclamation and the Assembly accepted it unanimously. Highlights of it are given here in summary form. The proclamation can be found in its entirety at the end of this book.
We gathered at the Solemn Assembly at the command of God. The Church had let down on its stand on the doctrine which the Holy Ghost had revealed and which we had embraced. There was a definite departure from theocracy in the presbytery meeting in 1990 and the Assemblies of 1991 and 1992. The present church leadership had shown a great insensitivity to the Holy Ghost message which had called for the Solemn Assembly. In departing from theocracy, they had relinquished their rights and privileges to the divine Church of God by their heresies and apostasy. Those who were still holding to the doctrines and principles of the Church prior to this abandonment constituted the Church of God because they still maintained their covenant before God (the Holy Ghost message had spoken about this earlier in this Assembly). Those willing to stand together as the true Church of God under the official name The Church of God were asked to renew their covenant of membership. Those who renewed their covenant were distinguishing themselves as being the true Church from those who continued on in the apostate Church. The act of renewing the covenant by those present would constitute a beginning of the reorganization of the true Church under God and theocracy. Those ministers renewing their covenants, whose licenses had been revoked, and those who had been disfellowshipped, because of the present disruption and division in the Church, would be restored to their pre-disruption standing, if at that time they were in good standing. Ministers being re-licensed would be asked to answer, in the affirmative, a general questionnaire concerning the doctrinal and theocratic aspects of the Church and its operation. A promise was made to deal swiftly and resolutely with heresy. Heretics would be rejected. If the Lord so ordained, a leader would be chosen at this meeting (God had already taken care of this aspect of the Proclamation as mentioned above). The membership of the reorganized Church throughout the world would constitute the General Assembly of The Church of God.
After the reading of this proclamation, many ministers present marched by the microphone and pledged their support to the new General Overseer and The Church of God. The Scripture had said that in two days He would revive us and the third day He would raise us up. The end of this second day saw this reviving of the saints, as God had so miraculously led us out of the pits of despair which we were in and reorganized the Church once again under theocracy. He had taken His Church out of the hands of flesh and had placed it back into His hands as He said He would do in the Assembly of 1986.
After this reviving on the second day of the Solemn Assembly, the third day would see the raising up of the Church. This would be the official acts of business which were necessary for the reorganized Church to function properly.
The saints gathered on Sunday, the third day of the Solemn Assembly, with much lighter hearts for their sorrow had been replaced with joy. This third day of the Assembly would also be a prophecy fulfilling day. The Word of God is sure and exact. Not one jot or tittle would fall to the ground without being fulfilled. All the prophecies concerning the Solemn Assembly, then, would be fulfilled also; for God had spoken it. To recap, the Prophet Joel had said: “Gather the people, (that had happened)—sanctify the congregation, (that took place as well)—…Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar,” (this took place for two days). Now the part which said, “… assemble the elders, gather the children,” was about to take place also. At 9:35 A.M., the children were gathered upon theplatform area for their program. At 2:01 P.M., those over 65 years of age gathered on the platform also for their program. No doubt, these did not think of themselves as fulfilling prophecy at the time, but they were active participants in playing their prophetical roles.
The third day of the Solemn Assembly saw a deviation from the program due to the need for discussion and deciding business matters which became incumbent upon us because of the reorganization of The Church of God by the Holy Ghost. The General Overseer requested that all ministers present, who desired to be a part of the re-organized Church, come forward to renew their covenants. A minister was asked to read the obligation for membership. One hundred thirty eight ministers joyfully responded by marching upon the platform to answer “I will” in response to the covenant which was read by the minister. They gave their names to the Assembly Clerks for the records. The laity would renew their covenants upon returning home. Individual memberships would be placed in the local reorganized church nearest to them.
Discussion on the name of the Church followed. A verse of Scripture in Acts 20:28 was cited “… the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.”Also, a reference was made to the Holy Ghost message which had called for the Solemn Assembly. The Holy Ghost had said, “ …I have told you to call all My people together to sit in the council as the Church of God.” After reminders of all the ramifications of using the name “The Church of God,” everyone agreed to obey the Word of the Lord regardless of the consequences. This name was officially selected by the Solemn Assembly as the Bible name for the Church. In the evening session of the Assembly, the Holy Ghost confirmed the selection of the name by stating; “You are The Church of God. That is the name I have given thee. Look to My Word. You are The Church of God.”
The Holy Ghost continued to move among us throughout the day to encourage and instruct us. He spoke to us concerning the work of the Church and again reminded us that He had chosen us a leader. Highlights of Holy Ghost messages relative to this are given here. “I have made a path for thee…Fear not the things that will come against thee. Be not afraid. I am with thee. No one can stop the work that I am doing… obey My commandments; live by My Word… be faithful to the covenant. I am with thee.” In reference to the leader He had chosen for us, He stated: “My little flock, I have given you this leader: Do not look too close at My work. Yea, My little flock, do not guess against Me. I have given you this leader:.. Believe and walk before Me and have faith.…The man that stands before thee I have chosen for thee and anointed him to lead and guide thee… Touch not Mine anointed… My hand is upon My leader: I have chosen him. Do not ask what I have done. I have chosen this leader: He shall lead My people. I am with him.”
Other business matters addressed included a report of the status of the Church flag, a report from the Concerned for Bible Doctrine Representatives and instructions on what to do with tithe money until a General Assembly could be held. An announcement was made that periodic updates of ongoing developments and information regarding the next General Assembly would be available on the prayer request line.
As the Solemn Assembly was nearing a close, the Holy Ghost spoke to us one final time to encourage and instruct us again. He said, “Yea, I say unto thee, My children, yea, do not return to thy homes and forget what I have shown thee. Yea, I want to bless thee even more. Do not let discouragement come your way. When you feel the wrong spirit moving upon you, I say, seek My face; and I will deliver thee. This is My time to work a great and mighty work. I love thee, children, but I love others. Pray for others as you have never prayed before. My children, keep seeking after Me; and I will lead thee into a deeper realm than you have ever known. Yea, lo, yea lo, stay low, My children, stay low.”
The General Overseer assured each one of his prayers when they returned home. The Solemn Assembly concluded with a prayer line being formed by ministers for all those who desired prayer for personal needs and afflictions. The sacredness of the presence of God was hovering around us, and the wonderful “old time Church of God feeling” was manifested among us as the genuine love of God was flowing from one to another. It was in this wonderful atmosphere that the historical meeting known as“The Solemn Assembly” was brought to a close at 9:34 P.M. Many stayed around the auditorium for fellowship for quite some time after the closing of the Assembly. It was hard to leave such a refreshing meeting as this, especially after the long dry spell we had gone through in the last few years in the Church. But we felt the weight of responsibility settling down upon us and we knew that we must return home to be about our Father’s business. The last paragraph of the Solemn Assembly Minutes sums it up thus: “As this Solemn Assembly comes to an end, the Ensign will continue to wave signifying Victory on top of Victory for the Church of God. We thank you, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for your presence in every session of the Solemn Assembly. We claim Victory that God has given The Church of God an anointed General Overseer selected by the Holy Ghost. We offer our thanksgiving to Almighty God.”
The Church of God was restored back to theocracy in this glorious Solemn Assembly on Saturday evening July 24, 1993. This restoration took place exactly 70 years to the day from the restoration following the first disruption in 1923. Once again God’s glorious Church was on the right course, this time to head toward the glorious climax of reaching perfection and being caught away to meet her Bridegroom in the Rapture. God saw our plight and drew us into a communion with Him, in order to reconcile the erring organization back to the Old Path, by calling out the remnant to continue on in theocracy. He allowed us to have a part with Him in doing this glorious work. His love and grace extended from Heaven to touch His people, to restore His image, and will upon them, and for this we are eternally grateful.


Chapter Seven
Joel 1:13-15: “Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God.
Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD.
Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.”
Joel 2:15-17: “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?”
The call for the Solemn Assembly came forth on April 25, 1993, exactly three months before the grand event. The actual call for the Solemn Assembly went forth approximately 2700 years before through the prophet Joel, as he prophesied of last-days events. God had impressed upon the Church as early as 1984 the necessity of the Solemn Assembly. In the conclusion of the Questions and Subjects Committee report to the 79th Assembly (1984), they brought the following subject before the Assembly which is quoted here in excerpts. “Although we feel that all the matters to which we have given attention during the course of our meetings this year are important, one matter, in the opinion of this Committee, eclipses them all. It is a subject which the Holy Ghost brought very forcefully upon us in our first meeting of this Assembly year held in January. It’s need finds expression in the second chapter of Joel: “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach” (vv. 15-17). This Committee knows of no greater need to bring [to] this Assembly’s attention than the need for repentance … With the moderator’s permission, we suggest that this portion of our report be accepted, not by a motion and second to the motion, but by those present in this Assembly falling down before the Lord…”
Although, everyone went to prayer following this, the continuing worldly lifestyles proved that a genuine repentance had not taken place. Five years later (1989), a Prayer Conference was conducted immediately following the Bible Training Institute closing exercises. No special significance or outcome was ever noticed following this prayer conference.
God spoke to the Church many times for us to humble ourselves. After repeated messages, these commands from a Holy God generally went unheeded. As God had spoken previously that “It is My time,” surely the time to fulfill prophecy had now arrived. The stage had been set for a glorious deliverance. Only those who were brave enough to engage their hearts to obey and seek God in prayer and fasting would experience this deliverance from the yoke of man-made doctrine and government.
The call for the Solemn Assembly, which was issued by God through the Holy Ghost message on April 25, 1993, was a climax to the seven-year period of seeking God by His called-out-ones. God had prepared and nurtured a people through which He would issue this Divine prophetic call. This call came through a message in tongues in the third message of a series of messages which began on February 3, 1993. The only remaining job for this body of people to do was to run with the message as the Holy Ghost had instructed us to do.
The Holy Ghost message is quite lengthy so we will not quote it word for word here. It is included at the end of this book in its entirety. The first and second messages are short in comparison. Their significance bears recognition here. The first message came on February 3, 1993. It is as follows. “Take heed, take heed, I will speak to you three times. This is the first. Take heed and don’t let it slip by. Jerusalem, the capital city, lies in shambles. Infiltrators have come in. There are breaches in the wall. The young women have been ravished. The young men have been murdered. In the king’s palace there is great fear. They in the king’s palace are wringing their hands and don’t know what to do. They don’t know what is taking place. Battering rams have made breaches in the wall. Take heed. Take heed. Take heed. My anger is kindled. The Lord is angered. It is my time. Children, rise up in the power of the living God. Let my glory move and let my power move. There is a small partition in the wall. It is you. Break forth into battle, not fleshly battle but spiritual battle. Tarry not any more. The time is come. There are two other messages to come. Be receptive to my Spirit. My little flock, My little flock, My little flock. Gather around the banner. My truth will not fail. You are still my Bride.”
The second message came on April 11, 1993. It was a little more detailed but not to the point that we would know how to respond without the detailed information and instructions contained in the third message. We give the second message here in its completeness. “Take heed. Take heed. I, the Lord, speak Lo, Lo, it’s the second message. Lo, I say the third will come shortly, but a few days. Take heed. Take heed. Take heed. It will not tarry. It will not tarry. Yea, I hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he came out of the city and came after my people. But oh, I covered him in the flood. Yea, I speak a word of wisdom to you. Great hardness of hearts shall come. They will not be able to stop what they are going to do. They cannot help themselves. They had planned to back off, but yea I say, I’ve hardened their hearts. I hardened their hearts. I must do a quick work. Time is very short. Take heed. Take heed. Take heed. Yea, I speak to you, My Bride, and tell you this now. I open your eyes that you may see. Lo, if you saw, if you could only see what I can see, lo, there would be great weeping. There would be great wailing. Yea, take heed to the message. For indeed, indeed my people, I am moving in the midst of the Church. Yea I am disappointed. I am very disappointed. Lo, I tell you, my people are sitting in places of death, and they refuse to come out. My Spirit has called, but they refuse to come out. They complain, they argue, they pray and weep, but they have refused, they have refused to heed my calling. Lo, Lo, Lo, I tell you there’s a great shaking coming, a great shaking is coming. Now I speak this word to you that you may know, and that it may be settled in your heart. Yea there is a great disruption. I say there is two parts that is divided, there is a great sparring taking place. Yea, I speak to you, the fight has just begun. There is a tremendous war fixing to take place, and my friends, you are caught in the middle. But I say, lift up your voices and make the cry. Say, ‘It is time to come together in the name of the Lord God.’ Yea, the third shall come quickly, it is but a few days off. Take heed. Take heed. For I will speak that one last time and I will instruct you. There is an anointing coming down. Yea, there is some right in the midst of thee that I will use greatly, saith the Lord. Speak the words, speak the words, and tell my people to come out, to come out and come together.”
The first two messages were as an introduction to the third. They contain somewhat in summary form what the third message expounded on. Three basic components are contained in them, primarily a warning of the wrath of God toward His erring people, a reminder that God had called us to a special work, and a directive to carry out this task. In summary, heretical leaders had infiltrated the Church. Their leadership had drawn the people away from the purpose of God. God had warned them to repent but they refused. He raised up a remnant to steer His people back to the straight and narrow way. The call was coming forth for them to meet together in one accord to seek Him and return fully back to Him. A sentence of Divine judgment rested upon all who refused to obey.
The second message spoke about “places of death” which the people were sitting in. This refers to the dry formal atmosphere which permeated most of our churches at that time. Also, the Spirit said there was a great disruption and two parts were divided. This bears record with Zechariah 13:8; “And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.” No doubt this could be what God was referring to when He said, “… if you could only see what I can see, lo, there would be great weeping. There would be great wailing.” The Solemn Assembly convened in the name of the Church of the Living God, just as the Spirit had directed. The time for the Solemn Assembly had been directed by the Holy Ghost message for three days in the seventh month. The availability of the auditorium in the seventh month coincided precisely with the 70th anniversary of the date in 1923 to the very day when the Church of God threw off the yoke of man-made rules and went free after the first disruption.
The reason for the Solemn Assembly was also given by the Holy Ghost. He said: “Why the solemn assembly? Oh, Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel. Look to My Word. Yea, the time is come for My people to know who is the Lord, who is the Word, what is the Truth.” Just as the prophet Elijah had faced a show-down with apostate Israel to show to them who the Living God really was, a show-down was occurring in the Church of God. God was once again taking the Church out of the hands of the flesh and returning it back under His control. This is what He said He would do in the Assembly of 1986. The fulfillment of His Word was becoming a reality.
The Holy Ghost also warned us of the reaction of the apostate leadership and informed us on how to respond. Quoting from the Holy Ghost message, God said: “…this will cause a great uproar in the Church. Lo, I speak to you now and tell you they will come against you with great fury. Oh I told you I have hardened their hearts… Yea, tell the elders to leave this alone. … Oh, tell the elders if they touch this, death shall surely come. Tell the elders they better not touch.” The message continued with more instructions: “They will fly forth out of the city. But, lo, I say, they cannot harm thee… Tell them this is what the Lord hath said… Use the advice that Gamaliel told… ‘If it be of Me there is no way to stop it, but if it be of man it will fail.’”
The apostate leadership had had their chance and had failed God. He reminds us of this in these words: “…Can one who is blind lead one who has sight?…My leaders know not the moving of My Spirit…Yea, My children, as my servant Moses came down from the mountain side he found Israel had gone a whoring. Yea, I say I have come down from the mountain.…Lo, I have found My people have gone a whoring. Yea, they have made themselves golden images, yea, yea, thus saith the Lord, I am against them…You bow down to the gods of this world… your sin is before Me. You are naked before me… as My servant Moses cried that day, he said, ‘who is on the Lords side?’…Yea, I call now and say, Who is on the Lord’s side?…Woe unto the pastors who have scattered My flock. Yea I will spew you out! Fear, fear the living God!” He went on to remind us that they had disobeyed Him in other things as well. The message continued with: “ … tell them, have I not called for the annual assembly? Did I not call for My people to come up once a year to meet with Me? They have broken My commandments.” The schedule for the Annual Assemblies was changed in 1991 to a bi-annual schedule. This change was to take affect after the next Assembly (1992) with the year 1993 being the first year to skip. God was reminding us that His original plan was for an annual gathering. By changing the Assembly schedule to bi-annual, they had broken His commandment. God is sovereign. He will have His way in the affairs of men. He not only showed the apostate leadership that He WOULD have an Assembly in the year they decided to skip, but He graciously allowed two Assemblies to take place in that year, the Solemn Assembly and also the 88th General Assembly. The erring leaders’ reason for changing the Assembly to a bi-annual schedule was allegedly for financial purposes. But to the more discerning, the real reason seemed to be to bring the Church more in line with the denominational structure for future ecumenical unity. They had already rejected exclusivity, so apparently this was the obvious avenue which they would take.
These were trying times for those who were inclined to do right and stick to the revelation of the Church of God. With this revelation being tarnished by contrary winds of doctrine, some were having a hard time staying loyal to the central government of the Church. Without divine direction, they were in a strait to know what to do. In trying to stay faithful to a doctrine which was going through a metamorphosis, without supporting the unbiblical changes, some congregations pulled out of the organization and went independent while waiting on God for a divine intervention. The Holy Ghost spoke to them also: “Lo, some have presumed.…Lo, I speak, some, some have broken free. They have presumed that they were the only ones that were left, but yea, I told my servant Elijah there were seven thousand that had not bowed. Yea, I say to you, My people, there is many, a small remnant that has not bowed. Yea, I speak to those who have left, tell them to come back. Tell them to meet, tell them to meet with Me in the solemn assembly.”
The Solemn Assembly was the means God would use to set His people free. The prophet Zephaniah spoke about the Solemn Assembly also in Zephaniah 3:18, 19: “I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden. Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.” The prophet said that God would undo all that afflicted us there at that meeting. A Holy Ghost message through an evangelist in the state of Arkansas on February 23, 1993 said in part:“…this is the year of Jubilee for My Church. Fear not…for even now I am at work to make amends for the damage the enemy has caused you…for I will have a holy people who will lift up My standard of holiness and defend it for My name’s sake…that which I have spoken shall surely come to pass within the year.” Many people were truly sorrowful. They were hurting for the things which had befallen the Church of God. Their hurt would be turned into joy, for God had promised a great healing there. His Word through the prophets had also promised a healing for the Church. As this call for the Solemn Assembly went out to the people, their faith and courage began to soar. Many were ready and anxiously waiting for this healing and restoration to take place among us. Psalms 30:5 states “… weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” The long dark night was almost over for those who had endured the sorrow and burden of standing in the “old paths.” Morning was dawning, and with it the joy of the Lord would be restored.