Chapter Four
On June 19, 1992, a news article appeared in The Cleveland Daily Banner about an investment by the Church of God of Prophecy into a commodities trading firm known as Custom Trading International Corp. The story had surfaced earlier in the Fort Worth Star Telegram who listed the investment of the Church at over $336,000.00 into the alleged pyramid scheme. When more facts were in, the investment by General Headquarters was well over $380,000.00. The state of Georgia and several individuals had invested as well. Almost one million dollars, $974,550.12 to be exact, was lost in this ill-advised investment scheme. According to the Texas newspaper, the company was doing close to twenty million dollars a month in “sales.” The company went into receivership by the Security and Exchange Commission in late April. However, by this time, their assets had been moved to banks in Mexico and the only assets recovered were valued somewhere around $110,000.00 which included some cash, an old home and a used Cadillac. The recovered assets were less than the fees and expenses of the receiver and their attorneys and accountants. With more than 300 investors in the company, there was no chance whatsoever that anyone would receive any of their investments back from this unscrupulous company. In spite of this information, the Church’s Officials kept informing the general Church that there was no verifiable loss!
When the full impact of the news of this lost investment (which had been kept under wraps from the beginning) finally sank into the consciousness of the people, it became the proverbial “straw which broke the camel’s back.” This loss seemed to be the catalyst needed to bring those into action whose hearts had already become inflamed over the doctrinal issues and the surprise closing of Tomlinson College and Bible Training Institute. Many brethren began to bombard General Headquarters with requests to see an audit of church books and for explanations of what was happening. The presbytery in several states along with several General Officials and the General Overseer were contacted and asked for meetings with anxious brethren for information on these current events. No pertinent information was forthcoming from any official source. This lack of communication further compounded the frustrations already upon the hearts of loyal church members and ministers.
With the Assembly just a few short weeks, away and no one being willing to communicate, the frustrated brethren began to make plans to come together in a meeting to seek God for direction and to see what avenue we could take to come to a resolution of the matter. This meeting was scheduled on August 20, 1992 at the Cherokee Restaurant in Cleveland, Tennessee. There were 21 brethren present from 8 states. The roster of names, according to our records of those present were: Jerry Wilda, Idaho; Ralph Lester, Wisconsin; Walter Griffitts, Ohio; Robert Pruitt, Henry Callis, Michael Bridges, Billy Talley, Walter Lofton, Daniel Carlton, and Aaron Waggett from Tennessee; Don Flippo, George Flippo, Bill Ricker, J. C. Robinson, Gerald Trammell, Corbie Isbel and (?) Fraley from Alabama; Paul Lawrence, Arkansas; Max Scoggins and Joe Muse, Jr. from Georgia; and George Sadler from West Virginia. The group referred to themselves simply as the concerned ministers and laity of the Church of God of Prophecy. The future references to this group would be generally referred to simply as the “Concerned,” for convenience sake. The Holy Ghost had spoken in a mid-week service at the South Cleveland Church, a few days prior to this meeting, and said that He (God) was putting together a team that would do a special work for Him. Being a part of this special team was a rare and honorable privilege.
The notes of this meeting reveal that the group met “to express their concerns about the loss of funds at General Headquarters, the restructuring of departments and the departure from the doctrine of the Church as it has been taught for many years.” Hearts were poured out in weeping and prayer and through personal testimonies and discussions. The final consensus of the meeting was that we should seek legal advice due to the time factor and the gravity of the situation. It was decided that a few of the brethren would meet at the law firm of Jahn, Jahn, Cavett and Maddux in Chattanooga, Tennessee and report back in an afternoon meeting at the South Cleveland local church at 4:30 P.M. Those meeting with the attorneys were: Jerry Wilda, Ralph Lester, George Sadler, Don Flippo, George Flippo, and J. C. Robinson.
The brethren met with the attorneys at 2:10 P.M. The following things were agreed upon in this meeting: (1) Present a formal request for the deposition that Sister [Jerlena] Riley gave in Knoxville to the SEC. (2) A formal request for an audit of the books by an outside firm, and (3) If they failed to comply with these requests, we would go into Federal Court in Chattanooga to get a court order for compliance.
The group returned to the South Cleveland Church for the afternoon meeting as scheduled. Several others, including some sisters, were present for this meeting. Prayer and praise echoed as many testified while the Spirit moved to confirm His approval. A report of the progress of the meeting with the attorneys was given and all agreed to back the action of the committee. Several said they would return to their churches to ask for their spiritual and financial support—not against the Church—but rather against the corruption in the Church. There was an unanimous agreement that we must return to the doctrine of the Church that had been taught for all these many years. In accordance with the actions of these meetings, a bank account was opened and a Post Office box was rented. Two brethren were appointed to sign the checks, with one of them taking care of the correspondence.
As a result of these meetings, plans began to emerge to contact as many members as possible and ask them to be present at the Assembly to stand up and be counted for the Church of God. Two brothers formulated a questionnaire which was mailed out to approximately 4,000 church members in several states. The questionnaire was concise and direct. It is given here in its entirety.
August 24, 1992
FROM: Concerned Ministers, Members, and Friends of the Church of God of Prophecy
TO: All Who Are Concerned
S UBJECT: Defending and preserving the Church of God of Prophecy
I ARE YOU WILLING for the Worldwide General Assembly Tabernacle to be sold and not have the General Assembly in Cleveland anymore? This is being rumored.
II. ARE YOU WILLING for the Church of God of Prophecy to be merged with the Elders Church of God and abandon our doctrine, government, and organization? This is being rumored.
III. DO YOU WANT TO ABANDON theocratic unanimous agreement in Church business in the Assembly and determine business matters by Majority vote? It’s in the works.
IV. CAN WE AFFORD TO DISSOLVE Bible Training Institute, the most effective Church orientation and training arm of the Church, and go to some other less effective means of teaching the Church to our ministers and workers?
V. ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE TO ALLOW the basic doctrines of the Church to be attacked and fragmented by so-called “STUDIES ‘ when they have already been established in the Scriptures?
VI. WILL WE CONTINUE TO ALLOW obvious heretics to retain licenses in the Church to continue to promote their doctrinal corruption?
VII. ARE WE GOING TO STICK with the Old Paths of tried and true Bible teachings, or will we drift with the tide and abandon the commandments of Christ in His Word?
VIII. ARE YOU CONCERNED about the misuse and mismanagement of Church funds at General Headquarters, and would you like to see our independent audit of all Church and departmental funds?
If you are concerned about these matters, we need you to attend this critical General Assembly in Louisville, and stand up and be counted. Otherwise, the darker and objectionable side of these concerns could be pushed through the Assembly to the detriment of the Church.
P.S. We desire your prayers and if you can help financially mail check or money order to the Concerned (address was given).
A similar questionnaire was printed as a half-page advertisement in the Cleveland Daily Banner. Response from these questionnaires was almost immediate. The response was both favorable and negative, being divided about equal. Letters were received addressed to “The Pharisees Committee” and “To God’s Elect.” Donations and prayer requests began to pour in. Many were seeking answers as well as information about the group in general. Some just wanted to vent their frustrations, while others took pleasure in brow-beating. All in all, God was working as the remnant began to come together and receive strength and encouragement from each other.
Harsh criticism was leveled against the Concerned because of the contents of the questionnaire. In looking back at the items mentioned in this questionnaire, we can see that the Concerned was right on target, for nearly all of the things mentioned have come to pass. (1) The General Assembly tabernacle went up for sale in April, 1996 and was sold in 1999 and torn down in July and August of that same year. A grocery store now occupies the very spot on which once stood our vital tabernacle. Other businesses are also being built on the same property. Some of these business establishments sell alcoholic beverages and other ungodly products. (2) Despite denials of the claim of the Church of God (Elders) and the Church of God of Prophecy merging, there is a consistent flow of events which points in that direction. Some examples include a so-called solemn assembly in which both churches participated, in January, 1995. This event was held at various local Cleveland locations with both sides apologizing to each other for past troubles. The most recent event was the announcement on April 30, 2003 of a joint three year evangelistic venture between both churches to begin on August 1. These and other events relative to this subject can be verified by researching the Cleveland Daily Banner. (3) The theocratic process of doing business was changed in the 1994 General Assembly of the Church of God of Prophecy in Louisville. Read their Minutes for verification. This was necessary since only the true Bible Church can truly operate in pure Bible theocracy. (4) The Center for Bible Leadership was instituted in lieu of Bible Training Institute which was suspended without Assembly action. (5) Studies of church doctrine and procedures have continued and are continuing to take place. (6) The heretics mentioned are still working for, and are in good standing with, the apostate church. (7) Basic Bible doctrines such as divorce and remarriage, sanctification and others are being taught differently than the old-time Bible tried and true way. Many of these changes are either not in black and white on paper or if so, they are worded to be interpreted as one may desire them to mean. (8) The audit was never performed inasmuch as the legal action was dropped at the Solemn Assembly. As far as finances go, it has been reported by creditable people that many cut-backs in offices and personnel were due to financial difficulty. In a letter dated May 26, 1992 from the Tennessee State Overseer to his pastors, he stated that there had been expenditures beyond receipts of two million dollars a year. This was cited as one reason for closing Tomlinson College and suspending Bible Training Institute.
The 87th General Assembly convened in Louisville, Kentucky on September 7, 1992. Also the third meeting of the Concerned took place in the afternoon on this same date in a small country church in Indiana, which was only a few miles from the site of the General Assembly. A church building nearly filled to capacity with heavy hearted saints were meeting to find more direction from the Almighty God and to draw strength and encouragement from each other as they were soon to walk into an uncertain atmosphere back in Louisville when the Assembly would convene later on that evening. News of this meeting reached Church Officials, who had several key brethren of the Concerned followed by ushers during the entire Assembly.
The Questions and Subjects Committee report to the Assembly was an oddity, to say the least, in that it was dubbed, “an information only report.” Many felt that the report was designed to lock out any discussion on the issues which had been debated on the field throughout the year. With an administrative directive being issued following the last Assembly on the gold for ornament issue, which declared it being approved when in reality the Assembly never unanimously approved its change, many were concerned that the new administration would do the same on the contents of the informational report which was before this Assembly. After much discussion, the General Overseer agreed to allow all brethren who desired, to meet with the Questions and Subjects Committee on Wednesday afternoon. The Committee’s report was scheduled to come back on the Assembly floor on Saturday morning.
Approximately 300 brethren met for over three hours with the committee as scheduled. No one was able to break through the barrier which the Committee had built up around them. During the meeting, one brother was used by the Holy Ghost through a message in tongues as he laid hands on one of the committeemen. The Holy Ghost spoke to the Committee through him and said if they did not heed His Spirit, their candlelight would go out. The Committee seemed unmoved by this demonstration of the Spirit. Since time spent on Wednesday was not sufficient to resolve matters, they agreed to meet again on Thursday afternoon. Again, hundreds of brethren came before them, but to no avail. When the Committee returned to the Assembly floor with their report on Saturday morning, the Chairman boldly stated that the report would be accepted without any discussion. He accused the brethren who had met with them of having a bad spirit. Many brethren were still standing as the General Overseer declared the report accepted. He reversed his declaration in a later session after his attention had been called to those still standing.
These disturbing events let us know that the administration was determined to lock out the influence of sincere brethren who stood solidly for the Church and its undefiled doctrine. The action of the Committee and the General Overseer was another step away from Biblical theocracy. Those who loved the Church of God felt constrained to lift a united voice in their stand for the true doctrine, regardless of the consequences.
Thus, another meeting of the faithful Concerned was called to meet on Saturday night back at the Indiana church. Approximately 52 people gathered for that meeting. Again testimonies and encouragement were given along with information about the condition of current events. A song was sung by a Sister entitled “Going Back,” which reflected exactly the feelings of those present. The Church of God had left the old paths in 1990 and ‘91. We felt God was leading us back in that direction.
After returning home from the Assembly, several brethren were threatened for taking part with the Concerned. Ministers licenses began to be revoked and suspended. Three brethren who lived in Cleveland and had been instrumental in the organizational realm of the Concerned, were asked to meet with the Tennessee State Overseer and afterwards on that afternoon with the General Overseer. This meeting with the General Overseer lasted for five and a half hours. One of the brothers was suffering the last stages of cancer and was hard pressed to endure this meeting. Nevertheless, he was constrained to stay anyway. This Bishop and a Deacon had their licenses suspended while the third Bishop was further interrogated in several other meetings with the Presbytery and also with a review panel of fellow ministers. His license was eventually revoked in April of the following year. Since he was a retired minister, his retirement benefit was canceled.
These taxing times would bring out the best in some while manifesting defects in the character of others. We were traveling a road less traveled by most. The seriousness of the times demanded that we stay on our knees before God for His direction. This gave us a resolve in our beings to stay the course. In retrospect, one can usually look back and see where some things should have been done differently. While facing difficult circumstances, it is not always easy to know what one must do. We were following God in blind faith believing He would lead us in the right path. Time has proven us right for God did not let the remnant down but carried us forth on eagle’s wings to a blest land, one which flowed with milk and honey.
Some have been critical of the legal action of the Concerned. The Concerned’s only intent with the legal action was to blow the trumpet and sound the alarm in the Church against doctrinal heresy. Many cite the Scripture in 1 Corinthains 6:6 about brother going to law with brother before unbelievers. In our defense, we maintain that just as Paul had a right to appeal to Caesar against his brethren in the flesh (the Jews), for their unjust persecution against him (Acts 28:19), we, under these relentless and unusual circumstances, could find no other option if we were to be heard concerning our heartfelt convictions about “keep[ing] it the Church of God.” In a Holy Ghost message which came forth several months after these events, we were told that the Concerned had made three mistakes and had looked to the world three times. Some contend that the legal action was one of these times. Whether this was the case or not, God knows. But one thing we do know, the legal action seemed to be the ONE PROMINENT THING which kept the apostate leadership at bay until we could grow in strength and number sufficient enough to withstand the onslaught of their attacks.
We were relying on God to lead us through these stormy waters, and He was leading us one step at a time. God has always had a people who would obey Him in all things, and we, the remnant, believed that we represented that special people. Like our counterparts of old times, we would not bend nor bow. We had always visualized persecution coming from the outside. When it came upon us from within, many could not withstand it because we had been taught and had it ingrained in us through the years to stand by our appointed leaders and assist them. Many seemed to be reluctant to obey the scriptural injunction to “obey those over you in the Lord.” We learned that we must not always obey those over us if they were not “in the Lord.” The authority of the higher power (Romans 13:1) always takes precedence over man’s power when a conflict exists between the two. We learned also to take comfort in such verses of Scripture as 1 Peter 4:12, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.” Our strength came from the consolation of knowing that the God of all grace who had sustained those who had gone before us would sustain us also. The remnant had emerged and was well on its way to fulfilling its God-given mandate in restoring the Church of God which man in his self-centered and egotistical manner had so desecrated and all but destroyed
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