Excerpts from Bishop
Pruitt’s 2003
Annual Address
E. Roger Ammons,
General Evangelism Coordinator
greatest responsibility to a lost and dying world is the message of salvation
and hope of eternal life - the gospel in its completeness as it is revealed in
the Scriptures as the old paths. The old paths, as far as the individual is
concerned, are the blessings of being born again by faith in Christ in the
spiritual realm and being forgiven for sins he has committed; being sanctified
by the shed blood of Christ, that is being made holy by being cleansed
(eradicated) of the Adamic or Satanic nature we all inherited from our
ancestors Adam and Eve. This experience is the second work of grace. It is a
cleansing rather than forgiveness. It is explained in 1 John 1:9 in these
words, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our
sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Sanctification is a
cleansing (eradication, crucifixion) of the evil nature rather than a
forgiveness which one receives when he is saved or born again. When one is
saved or forgiven of his committed sins is one work of grace, then he is ready
to be sanctified or cleansed, a second work of grace, or we could say it is the
second work of the atoning blood of Christ, which makes the one who receives it
holy, by the eradication of the Adamic nature. A sanctified person is a holy
person as long as he stays in the stream of the cleansing blood of Christ and
does not commit sin.
When a
person is sanctified he is holy and ready to receive the gift of the baptism of
the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. This
experience is not a work of grace but is a gift from God. He (the Holy Ghost)
is given as an indwelling Guide and Comforter to help the individual live a
victorious Christian life, grow in grace, and be inspired and anointed by the
power of the Holy Ghost to live, preach, teach, and serve God with holy joy and
spiritual power that is not known to those who are not aware of these spiritual
blessings. . . .
people are not aware of the sequential order of the salvation blessings, not knowing
that one is not sanctified until he is saved (or born again) and is not baptized
with the Holy Ghost until he is sanctified. These blessings come in that order
and it is God's will that one does not stop seeking until he has received all three
. . . of them: saved, or born again; sanctification; and the baptism of the
Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues.
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