Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Present Your life to the Saviour—Unspoiled

Matthew 2:11

“Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputa­tion for wisdom and honour” (Eccl. 10:1). Among the Jews, oil made fragrant by be­ing mixed with precious spices was used for many different purposes. With it priests and kings were anointed when they entered into their offices and guests at the tables of the wealthy were treated to it as a luxury. It was used medicinally as a topical applica­tion; and with it those who had passed away, and the clothes in which they were wrapped, were covered before burial. Very great care was taken in the preparation of the ointment used for such special purposes. As delicately put together as the ointment was, it was easily spoiled and rendered worthless. It was necessary not only to take great pains in making it, but also in preserving it from contamination once prepared. Attracted to the sweet smell, a fly would soon corrupt the ointment and turn it into a terrible odor. Likewise, a righteous and noble character may be corrupted and destroyed by a little foolishness. An insignificant-looking fault or weakness may outweigh great attributes and achievements. The fault which shows itself in someone’s character is not like a stain or flaw in a marble sculpture that is restricted to one area and is no worse after many years, but it is like a sore in a living body, which weakens and spreads to the entire person. Thus, we must carefully guard our minds, hearts, actions, and speech. The good ointment of the Holy Ghost will not only draw people to admire it, inquire after it, and glorify God, but it will draw flies that will try to spoil it. (Just like insects are drawn to a bright light.

 I am reminded of a mission trip where flies swarmed my plate of food during lunch­time. I swatted at them many times and was tempted to give up because they were numer­ous and persistent. Perhaps those around me thought my efforts were of no use and that I was being too careful. Yet, when I later saw where they were coming from, I am glad I put up the fight! I could have been sickened and perhaps even worseby one fly! Where do the spiritual flies come from that you and I battle so relentlessly? They come from the god of the flies, Beelzebub, and they feed on the filth of the world and try to spoil our lives and our testimonies for Jesus Christ. Christian, remain guarded and do not compromise with the world! “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish” (2 Cor. 2:14, 15).

Robert J. Hawkins, WM General Coordinator

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