Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Which the Lord Hath Made Known Unto Us

(See Luke 2:8-20)

Shepherds were not revered in society at the time of Christ’s birth and were often disregarded in social circles. Yet, the Lord granted them a revelation that many in palaces would never know or accept. This is just like the Lord to give great gifts to a small group of social misfits. Even more beautiful to me is that those sheep were with them and although they were only stubborn, mute ani­mals, they were shown something that even King Herod could not see.

Today, our ministers (shepherds) are often despised by the world. This happens in part because of the abuse of some ministers in the denomina­tional world who seek personal prof­its over the gospel. However, ridi­cule often comes to those ministers and their sheep who take a stand for what God has revealed to them. The Church of God shepherds and sheep who have a heavenly vision of the Body of Christ and where it is located are often the object of scorn to the rest of the world. It stands to reason that the world would consider us arrogant to think we know about something they have not yet seen. This is surely how the shepherds in that field would have been viewed by the world.

These shepherds could have just sat down and relished their vision, but in verses 15 and 16, they discussed going to find the King and then they moved with action. They made their way to the manger and they joined the heavenly worship when they saw Him. Their ac­tions didn’t stop there. In verses 17 and 20 we see that they told what they had seen. They shared their vision and rev­elation with everyone.

Shepherds and sheep, today some of you can rejoice that you have re­ceived a vision of the Body of Christ. You know who the Itis of Ephesians 5:25-28. You know where It is. You, by the grace and wisdom of God, have solved the great mystery of Ephesians 5:32. If this is the case, you cannot go back to the fields and resume your du­ties as shepherds or good sheep without wanting to spread the good newsthe whole gospel.

the found, we must not fail to go and spread it abroad. Sometimes those who need to hear it and see it are right beside us on the pew. Some­times they are straying and need to be guided back to the Fold. Some­times they operate on a small portion of light, but have not yet been able to see what you know in the Word of God. Sometimes they are com­pletely lost. In any case, you are not a nobody with a worn-out message! You have been given a heavenly vi­sion and you have been given the mandate to share it.

As you celebrate the birth of our Savior this year, share the whole light that has been revealed to you! The world may not appreciate your work, but the Lord chose you to do it. You may never live in a palace or be revered by the masses, but you were selected by heaven to do this good work. Go without fear to win the lost and keep the found with the full light and revelation of Christ and His Church through the Assembly Band Movement this year!

Merry Christmas!

Allene Cox, General ABM Coordinator

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