by the late William H. Brooks.
This message was printed in the
September 2, 1972, edition of the White Wing Messenger, when he was serving General Headquarters as the English mission Representative and World Language Secretary.
"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it" (Psa. 68:11).
Publishing includes the translating, printing, and distributing of the gospel, as well as preaching the Word. The company to whom this responsibility was given is similar to an army. In Song of Solomon 6:4, the Church is referred to as being "terrible as an army with banners." When we think or talk about an army, we think of men who are trained, skilled, disciplined, enthusiastic, and ready to obey the command even at great self-sacrifice.
Great was the company, or great was the army of printers and army of evangelists. Both printers and carriers of the message are of vast importance. This Word which the Lord gave was published by an orderly company; by a trained, dedicated company of men, skilled and under orders to go forth and distribute the message.
A man that is going to carry this gospel and be a soldier during this warfare cannot and will not entangle himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who has chosen him to be a soldier (2 Tim. 2:4).
At present, literature (the printed message) is one of the greatest means we have of spreading the gospel. However, literature on our shelves or in our stock rooms will not reach the minds and hearts of the people with a need for salvation.
The gospel truth isn’t the only message that is spread forth by the printed page. False Cults are spreading their false doctrines through the same medium.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, using literature as their key tool, increased their membership 2000% in 25 years!
Christian Science reading rooms are found in large cities. Ever-increasing in popularity, the daily newspaper, Christian Science Monitor, sold on news stands, combines sharply reported news from around the globe, infiltrated of course, with the Christian Science strain of thinking.
Even Communism’s most dangerous and far-reaching weapon is the printed page. Leo Trotsky, one of the fathers of Communism, said, "The most powerful means of propagating Communism is the small pocket pamphlet."
"Martin Luther: When God revealed to him that salvation is a free gift and man can pray for his own forgiveness, Martin Luther took his stand against the Roman Church in protest to their man-made creeds and traditions. Because of his courage, the term ‘Protestant’ came into meaning. Later, he tacked his leaflets on public buildings where the common people could read them. They began praying for themselves—and revivals swept Europe."
ministry in Chicago by the simple act of distributing gospel tracts to Great Lakes seamen."
"John Wesley organized 160 Leaflet Distributors in 1757, whose efforts caused the worship habits of the entire city of London to be changed by the reading of the Word of the Lord."
"Ambrose Jessup Tomlinson, the first General Overseer of the Church of God in these last days, was a distributor of tracts and Bibles. He zealously engaged himself in the propagation of the gospel through the medium of mighty words— spoken and written. He wrote, set, and printed leaflets and tracts which have had tremendous influence upon thousands throughout the world."
Our chief responsibility is to put the doctrine—the Bible rightly divided—into different languages of the world, that people may be taught and brought together, and eventually into a perfect unity with one mind, one faith, and one Church for the Lord. The secret of the accomplishment of our commission resides in our ability to publish our knowledge of God’s truth. The Church has spent many precious years in searching out and finding the present truth as we know it today. Therefore, we should cut ourselves loose from worldly entanglements, and become enthusiastic and ready to obey the commission, even at great sacrifice. The full gospel is destined to reach all nations of the world, and we are the company chosen to publish it.
This amount of Scriptural material will reach thousands of souls, some of whom will dedicate their lives to the cause of Christ. However, it is a fact that not all who have a spiritual need will be reached unless more literature can be printed and sent. My gratitude is extended to all who have had a part in this great work.