Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Loss Prevention

Loss prevention is the overall plan of action taken to prevent losses in inventory. It requires diligence and well executed programs that are designed to prevent losses and not just react when they occur. Successful retail companies will develop programs to prevent such losses because they know it affects their overall profits. Our Commander-in-Chief knew a little about loss prevention. "And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day" (John 6:39).

What is the loss prevention program of The Church of God? In short, it is the Assembly Band Movement when it is put into practice the proper way. Sometimes we experience losses of souls more often than we experience gains. This is a definite blow to our overall purpose. We, like the retail markets, are losing our inventory through three means: internal theft, external theft and human error.


Internal theft is the largest contributor to loss for most retailing companies, regardless of size. Many have wondered why this would be the biggest category of loss, but surveys and studies have proven it to be true. Employee theft occurs through many different methods. It can be merchandise theft/misuse or even taking from open registers at cash sales.

The Scripture warns us about internal theft:"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ" (Jude 1:4). "For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it" (1 Cor. 11:18). When it comes to internal theft of the spiritual nature, there is no way to insure potential theft doesn’t happen other than to keep diligent watch on the sheep in your care and do everything possible to encourage healthy relationships between each of them and the Lord. When we can disciple our people to love the Lord first and do everything He wants of them, the relationships with one another will always work and no discord will remain. Disagreements may form from time to time, but when both parties love the Lord first, a resolution is just around the corner. Forgiveness and reconciliation are the two best forms of preventative measure regarding internal theft. The enemy has always known this and he has devised means by which pride can easily take root in this brother or that sister. When this happens, they can destroy others.

The inventory will suffer its greatest lost in The Church of God when we haphazardly leave people to work things out on their own—or worse, require no accountability. This is not only a sign of poor discipleship, but also the characteristic which most represents lazy and uncaring leadership.

If you have problems within the local body of believers, it is time to take all involved to the Lord. Don’t try to use the world’s methods of conflict resolution. Let God’s Word be your only source of resolution. Teaching people to pray and study the Word of God and be faithful in fellowship will cause them to be close enough to the Lord that no conflict could push them from the Body of Christ. They will desire to please the Lord so much that careless words from a brother will not cause them to be lost or to run elsewhere. There should never be internal theft in a body of believers that loves with God’s love. There should never be losses when people are in love with the Lord more than themselves, their own ideologies or preferences. Loving God means more than shallow compliments or empty words; it means dedication to God’s ways in living and loving others. Teaching our people to be disciples and to love God above all else will always equip them to handle the divisions that can plague our families and churches.


External theft is often caused by shoplifting, robberies or other acts by outside sources. This may even include natural acts like floods or strong winds. Although

it does not cause as much loss overall compared to internal theft, shoplifting and external theft most certainly cause a

substantial amount of loss every year to the retail industry. This is the same with The Church of God. Often, the appeal of the outside world and what it packages seems stronger than the appeal of what God offers us within the Body of Christ.
Controlling external theft requires a commitment to keeping the membership spiritual as with internal theft, but it also requires awareness to the signs of a potential loss and how to best protect the individuals and entire church against external loss. In the retail world, this requires the establishment of procedures and training in areas such as shoplifting prevention, robbery awareness, safety, and how to handle various situations dealing with people. What security measures you have in place within your retail location can also greatly assist you in your efforts against external loss (although not always). This is where theocratic government is most effective in the Body of Christ. It is designed to stop this hemorrhage of souls. Many may hear "government" and be repulsed since so many associate it with regulations or unnecessary restrictions. Some may even equate it to one group lording over another. But, with theocratic government, there is only one LORD. No man or group of men makes laws or restrictions that are not already ordained of God. The beauty of the structure of The Church of God is her ability to allow God to use others to keep them secure and to watch for their souls. "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you" (Heb 13:17).

It is often necessary to approach someone about their choices or with a warning about the effects these choices can have on their souls. It is not an easy
job to have, and it is also not easy to receive correction or instruction from time to time. It is profitable for the soul in danger, however, and it is very well what can prevent external theft. Storms of life can often bend us, but let it only bend our knees and not break us. When we break under the weight of the cares of life, we become a loss to the Body of Christ and therefore to our Lord. His grace is sufficient for every need, and He will help us not to be counted as a loss.


The last major area of loss in the retail environment is caused through errors. Sometimes these errors are in paperwork only, but have been calculated to equal up to 20% of the losses. In the retail world, this may be errors in shipping and receiving, errors in register sales, or in misinterpreting reports.

When we consider the whole package of The Church of God and her mission, it is necessary to truly take every action we make into account. Failure of members to report their needs to the band leader trickles down to the pastor. Failure of band leaders to report problems to the pastor is a good example of error that causes loss of precious souls. It is equally important that the pastor maintain clear and open communication with band leaders and all his appointed leaders to ensure there are no reporting errors. How much more the importance from pastor to the State/Regional Overseer and from the Overseer to General Headquarters? Why is reporting so important? It is not just unnecessary paperwork. "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord" (Rom. 12:10, 11).

The discussions of the General Assembly in Acts 15 didn’t reach the business meeting because someone wanted to call Peter and Paul out to argue it out. I believe the reports came from the field and the need had arisen to address it in a godly manner that would benefit the
whole Body. Documentation of various situations and occurrences helped the early Church address issues that aided

in keeping as many people as possible. Nothing less will be required of us today. Keeping the paperwork and the details in check will help keep our numbers high and more importantly, our membership’s spiritual health high and productive.

Brother Roberto Jovel pastors two churches in California and one in Nevada and uses the ABM to assist him in keeping up with his members. The band leaders have weekly meetings and report to Brother Jovel who was in attendance and who wasn’t, and how the meeting went. He isn’t willing to lose one soul and if they are sick, he is there to minister to them. This is not because he wishes to be highly honored by them or you, the reader of this method he is using, but it is because he wants to keep every soul the Lord gives The Church of God. He is working to win new converts and keep the ones we already have.

What do you do on a regular basis to ensure the inventory of souls in your care is kept with minimal or no losses? Maybe you aren’t pastoring and your flock is your Sunday School class. What are you doing to keep their souls safe in the fold? "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?" (Luke 15:4). Maybe your inventory is your home. Exactly what programs are you implementing to be able to present your inventory of sheep to the Lord? "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deut. 6:7). Maybe you are completely alone, but your soul is your responsibility too. What steps are you currently taking to be sure you can be presented wholly and holy to our Lord? "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36). The ABM Department of The Church of God has the keys that help us secure the precious souls who belong to our Lord. Let us use these keys and not haphazardly lose the inventory of God.

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