Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Church Depth Chart

Oscar Pimentel, General Overseer
The Church of God

"…for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of God"
(Luke 16:8).
WHAT AN INDICTMENT! These are the words of Jesus as He considered the efficiency of the children of this world in their labors and dealings. I do not believe Jesus was praising this man’s dishonesty; rather it was a commendation of his planning and prudence. Jesus would only have us notice the sharpness and foresight of the children of this world; how they tend to the interests of this life. They are wise to provide for their earthly prosperity and are prudent about their particular business. They demonstrate talent, study more plans, prepare themselves and those around them, and even make sure they leave behind an inheritance and a legacy for their children. Considering the aforementioned statement it would do us well to ponder the questions, "Are we planning and promoting the interest of The Church of God? Do we have foresight and look before us? Are we providing and doing what we can to secure an incessant and prosperous ministry for The Church of God? Are we seizing the occasion, are we active and industrious, exerting ourselves as much as is within our power to advance the interests of the Church?"

The steward in the verses prior to verse eight was planning ahead and looking to the future. Of course, our eternal future is not here, but in heaven above; nevertheless, the Church has a mission to fulfill, and it will take planning, preparation and foresight. I don’t like to think that these are the words of our Lord, but the reality is that they are. Is it possible that we were placed on the balance of wisdom and foresight and were found wanting? Jesus shares these words about the children of this world being wiser in their generation (generation sometimes denotes the manner of life), not so that we become earthly minded like them and occupy ourselves with earthly things or devote ourselves to the cares of this world alone. Neither was His intent that we should only concern ourselves with obtaining earthly possessions and live for this world. It is His challenge to us to strive to be wiser than the children of this world! Our minds must be fixed on heavenly and spiritual things, and doing our work while here on earth.

"Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also" (2 Tim. 2:1, 2).

The challenge is that the Church must commit unto faithful men the "all things" message we have heard among many witnessesthose things which we ourselves have heard and have believed and know to be true. Why must we rise to it without hesitation? The answer is because no one is around forever and, if the Lord tarries, some of us shall go by way of the grave. Some may be put in prison or to death for the gospel’s sake.

Paul had to depart to Macedonia, but thanks be to God that Paul found in Timothy a faithful individual unto whom he committed the doctrine of Jesus Christ! Paul didn’t just consider Timothy a faithful man, but one who was able to teach others. Paul asked him to step in and abide in Ephesus that he might defend the gospel of Christ. It was Paul who taught Timothy, took him under his wing, and committed unto him the entire counsel of God. He instructed Timothy to hold to faith and a good conscience. He instructed him to, "…continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them" (2 Tim. 3:14).

Both Paul and Timothy were looking out at a distance to the horizon and wanted the Church to flourish. Paul wasn’t concerned with the rise of his own kingdom or empire. Paul’s interest was in the Church having a relentless and thriving life in spiritual matters. Just as Paul, Timothy labored to advance the interest of the Church because he, too, desired to see souls saved, rooted and grounded in the Word of God. Paul was aware, as was Timothy, that he would not be around forever. Therefore, he labored arduously preparing and instructing those who had entered into the ranks of the Church.
I feel as though we presently have faithful men and women in the Church who have been taught and are ready to step up at a moment’s notice. At times I have heard the cry from our Overseers due to the need of laborers— church builders—(pastors especially) in their areas of labor. Could it be that the Church has run short on laborers? I don’t feel that we are short on laborers. Perhaps the actual question we should consider is, "Are laborers hesitant or not making themselves available?" If so, the question is, "Why?" We may never truly know the reasons, but I’m fully convinced that God knows the reasons why.

Jesus said, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest" (Matt. 9:38). No doubt, if we pray, He will prick the hearts of God-called ministers and they will come forth. Surely He will provide soldiers He can trust! Even so, the Church has the great responsibility of consistently teaching and preparing those whom God calls or brings into our midst. Some will be sent out promptly to fields of labor, while others God will call to work later in life. However, preparations must be made to equip all, so that they are ready to go out to the field when called upon.
There are soldiers termed "reserves" in the military force who are retained or held over for a future time, and they are set aside for a particular purpose. These are forces not on the field, but available (stored up) for future or present use or need. I see them now in The Church of God—a ready supply of laborers in "reserve" ready to be called upon!
The story is told of a captain who, with awareness, observed his drill instructor train young soldiers and did not like what he saw. Though the young soldiers where learning well and every platoon respected and obeyed their platoon leader’s command, the captain noticed something he did not like. It troubled him so much that during a training drill in which a Huey Helicopter full of soldiers was landing under heavy enemy fire, the captain surprised the platoon leader who was first and ready to come off of the helicopter. Immediately when the helicopter landed and before the platoon leader could get one foot off, the captain caught him by his uniform and shouted out, "BANG! YOU’RE DEAD!" Pointing to the next soldier in line the captain rapidly shouted, "WHAT DO YOU DO? WHAT DO YOU DO?" The soldier having never been in this predicament was likewise caught off guard and in the confusion he hesitated. "BANG, YOU’RE DEAD!" shouted out the captain. He proceeded to inquire of the next man in line, "WHAT DO YOU DO? WHAT DO YOU DO?" Immediately the next man responded by taking action and shouted out to those that remained alive, "GO, GO, GO!" as he led them into battle. The captain then looked at the drill instructor and the platoon leader and said to them, "Teach the man behind you!"

Oh, God, help us teach the man behind us and commit unto him the same biblical teachings and principles that we love so dearly, that he may know what to do when the fiery darts of the devil are hurled against him! The men and women behind us need to know what they are to do when persecutions, tribulations and afflictions come. The whole counsel of God must be declared to all who have espoused this great work of fighting for the souls of men. Not only will the unsaved remain lost and perish forever if we don’t, but we run the risk of losing those already in the Church if every effort isn’t made to engulf our people with the Bible truths the Church upholds.
Israel’s history declares, "And the people served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the LORD, that he did for Israel... And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD..." (Judges 2:7, 10, 11). Let it never be the story of God’s people that when we go on to our reward the man behind you and me does not know the Lord, nor what He has done for The great Church of God. I feel that it’s high time the man behind us comes out from behind and steps forward to the front lines and into the battle! What a wonderful sound to hear the beautiful battle cry of, "Go, Go, Go!" We don’t ever know if something unexpected will occur, but we should have the foresight of having "at the ready" men and women who are "throughly furnished." A ready supply that when one is taken on to glory or some sickness takes a hold of us, others will step into that field of labor. My prayer is for uncompromising ministers and laborers guided by God’s Spirit, who will not be confounded nor hesitate to move up, step in, and lead in the battle.


Is it true that "the children of this world" have people who are waiting to be called on for service? Yes, but they have had their training and are equipped. Even in sports it seems that high schools prepare their sports players for college sports and, in turn, the colleges prepare the same individuals for professional sports.

In professional sports in the United States, football to be more specific, there is something they refer to as a "depth chart." This chart indicates who on the list is ready to step up in another person’s place if the person on the field gets hurt or is not healthy enough to carry on with his duties. Certainly those in charge are glad to know that the individuals whose names appear on the depth chart are present at every event, fully suited up and ready to go at anytime.
The responsibility of those waiting on their opportunity is to study the same playbook that all the starters study, memorizing the plays, and knowing their routes. They wear the same equipment, perform the same exercises, and learn everything just as though they themselves will be on the field of play, all along knowing full well that they may or may not be called upon! That does not deter them nor discourage them one bit from doing all they know to do to be ready to go.

Lord, continue to provide the Church with laborers, both men and women whom our leaders in the Church can call upon when that need arises! Such people must be found in The Church of God at all times. People listed on the "Church Depth Chart," so to speak, who when called upon are readily available, and the Church will not have to wait for them to go through training because they are already trained—"throughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:17)—men and women who have been with the Lord, studying the blessed old Book, memorizing Scripture and learning the route that will lead them and others on to glory!

Wouldn’t it be marvelous if when one of our laborers goes on to be with the Lord, or is weak in body and can no longer carry on with the duties of the Church work in his or her area, there would be some "reserves" stored up on our Church Depth Chart for present or future use in the Church? Could it be you, dear brother or sister? Yes, you!? Perhaps you have been waiting patiently on the Lord, praying, studying, fasting, and working where you presently find yourself. Do you hear the call from the front lines, "Come up and help us!"? Some are able today to go out into the field and not miss a step because they know Bible doctrine, they have a Divine Revelation of who and

what the Body of Christ is, they believe in Her practices and teachings and are full of the love of God. What a wonderful thought!
To be wiser than the children of this world we must encourage the interest of The Church of God—striving not to establish a doctrine, but striving rather to establish in the doctrine! We want The Church of God to continue having an uninterrupted and prosperous ministry, and for that we must seize the occasion.

Speaking of the natural and human things, every year there comes a "draft day" where people who have been in training and working are chosen and picked out. These have proven they are capable on the field and willing to take on certain responsibilities. They have been tested and tried on those fields and now are being called to another level. Surely we have people who have proven themselves in our local churches whose names are ready to be called into a new field of labor to be church builders.
What kind of Church building could be accomplished if every year, once a year, our State/National Overseers could come to our BTI graduation ceremony and pastors, teachers and other workers could be chosen from the BTI crop that we have every year?
I can almost see it now—


God has always supplied past generations with laborers at every level of the Church (local, regional, general). Dear brother and sister, is your name on that depth chart? Whether you are called today or somewhere down the line, will you remain ready, listening for the Master to give the call—"Come step forward, you’re up!"

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