Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Feast of Fat Things

Sharon Morrow
Wallace, NC
(Excerpts from the full message printed in the June 1994, edition of The Evening Light, pp. 6, 7.)

And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations” (Isa. 25:6, 7).

Suddenly, and without warning a pressure filled the room and a presence began forming. It was huge and foul and the force of its evil shook the walls of the place. “I AM BEELZEBUB…

I have called you together to prepare for battle. Some rather alarming news from the field has been received. The spirits of the south have confirmed reports, and the news is grim.” A voice from a distant corner said, “Captain, I thought we rooted out the last of them, ‘the Remnant.’ I know for a fact the spirit of heresy came against them, and I saw the spirit of flesh arise myself and many receive him.” One by one they questioned the wicked lord. “Don’t say another word!” A violence filled his face and cursings and blasphemies filled the air.

“I hate her! I have spent most of my time trying to stomp her out. You fools couldn’t break her spirit. I said over and over and over, destroy her covenant. Break her theocracy. Cause her to stumble. Cast Balak before her. Turn her heart from the God of heaven. I said she was not like any other church. I said she was Chosen. I said she was foreordained. Do you think the battle was over in Cleveland, Tennessee, in May, 1990? I was told some of you left Cleveland that day rejoicing. You laughed and said, ‘Just think, after almost 2,000 years, we finished her off.’ Let me update you to her status. Not only is she alive, but as we speak, she is growing and gaining strength.” Beelzebub looked down and said, “I tell you, if we sit here idly, The Church of God will sail on to perfection. She will signal
the inflow and then she will be ready for the return of the…”

He stopped before the words dropped from his vile lips. “This meeting [the Solemn Assembly] has already been announced in Chattanooga, Tennessee, not far from the Battle of Burger Mountain. You do recall the battle of Burger Mountain, do you not? May I remind you foul soldiers that we failed miserably back then? Our best warriors attacked Tomlinson by the hour. Remember his prayer cover that we could not penetrate? In all my battles I had never seen such a prayer cover. I myself came at him with such a force it should have darkened any man. But he would not stop praying. Every word in prayer weakened me. The words of prayer and thickness of faith drove me from that mountain. I finally had to leave him there alone. I, I could not combat the power.” Suddenly, Beelzebub raised his arms as if to shield his head, “And oh, that awful spirit of the Lord of heaven descended on that mount. I fled, but watched from a distant hill. The face of the covering was removed! A light broke loose, and The Church of God exploded from beneath the surface. I tell you, she stood there just as mighty as she was on Mount Hittin. I remember you demons running and screaming, hiding and choking at her presence.”

[The meeting called by the Holy One did occur in 1993] …and the love and unity flowed, and the power and might of the gospel was preached. The bondages fell and the chains were broken. And all the saints rejoiced and returned to theocracy. They tore down the altars of Baal, and renewed the covenant and set their hearts back toward their God. And so, the feast of fat things began in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the bread and wine were served by holy men. And the bread was full and the wine on the lees. And the mountain shook like the cedars of Lebanon. And the law and the Spirit went forth and blessed and healed the people. And the “host of hell” could not prevail, for the Lord had descended on the Holy mount and covered His people with His wings again. And a still, small voice was heard in the midst of them, “Now ye are my people and I am your God.”

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