Wednesday, June 15, 2016

M. A. Tomlinson, Historical Notes

"It is a joy to live today when we have the advantage of looking back to view the power of divine prophecy, especially as it relates to the divine institution of which we are part. More than 700 years before Christ came to set in order His Church, which event itself was clearly foretold prophetically, Isaiah had revealed in his prophecy the decline of the Church and its being forsaken by the Lord. The same prophet however, also told of its reappearance out of the darkness into which it would plunge. He told how it would arise and shine, and how the glory of the Lord would be seen upon this, His glorious creation. On June 13, 1903, the prophetic utterance of Isaiah in the first verse of the 60th chapter was fulfilled. Renouncing all man made creeds that had covered God’s Church for so many years… [and] to accept the responsibility of being The Church of God in its emergence from the dark ages. While none of that group is still alive today, many of us were given the privilege to know them personally and to have them share with us the revelation they received which brought the Church out of darkness. And we are filled with the same joy they experienced as we recognize our continuing role, bearing the responsibility of being the pillar and ground of the truth."

(WWM, June 7, 1980, p. 2)

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