Tuesday, June 14, 2016

“When it is definitely settled that a thing can’t be done, watch God do it!”

No matter how small or great the task or problem is, it makes no difference to Almighty God. It seems to make a difference to us, and this is evident by the way we tend to approach God and pray—small problem, small and quiet prayers; big problem, big and loud prayers—as though some problems are more difficult for God to handle than others. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the affair makes no difference to the one and only true living God! He who knows all things at all times—past, present, and future—has never been blind-sided, surprised, nor caught off guard.

Having this thought in mind, and this confidence in God, consider the following article I requested Bishop Werkheiser to write informing us of the state of the Church’s marker in the Holy Land. He has worked closely with the men of Israel, Amos and Gadi, since the initial work of the CPMA undertaking on Mount Hittin. When you are finished reading the article, let this mind be in you as it was in that young lad David and ask yourself, "Is there not a cause?" Will the Church hide behind rocks (excuses) and in caves (fears) and cower while the enemy of the Church defies and challenges us to do something about it? Here at this juncture in God’s great program our business is not to glory in past achievements or reflect on what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand—repair it! God is able to protect it, and it will no doubt do what God intended it to do: "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry" (Hab. 2:2, 3).

On December 3, 2014, twenty-eight members and friends of The Church of God gathered together on the Horns of Hittin to share in a momentous event. It was at this time these were able to participate in what was the fulfillment of years of planning and preparation. The delegates joined our former General Overseer Stephen E. Smith to dedicate a new Church Foundation Memorial Marker. Prior to anointing the marker and leading the group in prayer, Brother Smith shared that his prayer is that God would touch every person who comes and reads these words—English, Arabic, or Hebrew. He pointed out various crowds of people walking throughout the area and stated that many people pass by the marker. He encouraged the delegates to pray that the message would get into the hearts of everyone who comes and reads.

The marker stands prominent on the slopes of Mount Hittin, overlooking the Sea of Galilee and along an extremely popular hiking trail for Christians known as "The Jesus Trail." There have also been significant secular historical events take place on the Horns of Hittin, drawing travelers from around the world
to this location. It was said by one that God only knows the countless thousands who will pass by the marker and read the message it bears to the world.

The inspiration for this project came about during a visit Brother and Sister Smith made to Israel. When they traveled to Mount Hittin they found the previous marker to be in extreme disrepair. God had impressed upon Brother Smith the importance of the marker and the significance of its message. It started out with some general inquiries and quickly grew into a mission to be accomplished with the help of the Lord. Even though the previous marker was in disrepair, to erect a new one in its place seemed nearly an impossibility. But as we know, God makes the impossible possible!

God opened every door that was closed and turned every no into a yes. Time and time again it was stated that it wouldn’t be possible, and there was no way the next governmental department that would have to give approval would allow it to continue. Each time we would receive a surprised response from those in Israel who were offering their assistance that the next phase in the process was approved.

The miraculous ways of God didn’t cease with the final approval to place the new monument atop of Mount Hittin. When the sculptor, Gadi Fraiman, traveled to India to select the granite stone, he was able to secure a stone much larger than the one proposed. Once in place, at approximately 14 metric tons, it would be the largest monolithic monument in Israel. Lieutenant Colonel Amos Davidowitz, who was prominent in assisting the Church with the marker project said, "I am very impressed! What started out as being completely impossible is now almost done with a bigger stone..."

The prayers of the delegates for the words on the marker to touch the hearts of the readers reached heaven and the ears of God. During the following year there was a significant increase of Church website views originating from Israel. Not only were these individuals being impacted by the words on the marker but also Church information and Bible doctrine.

As we know, when great things begin to happen to advance the work in the Kingdom and in the Church, it gets the attention of the enemy. As he sees the message of the Church reaching out to
the far corners of the earth he will use every method, means, and individual at his disposal to try to stop the progress being made. He knows his time is short, and his devious tactics will be even more vicious as he attempts to hinder the work and discourage the saints.

Unfortunately this has also been the case regarding our Church Foundation Memorial Marker. General Headquarters was contacted by Amos Davidowitz who shared that it had been brought to his attention that the marker had been damaged. Tour guides who were visiting the site discovered that someone apparently used some type of tool to scratch its surface. When Gadi Fraiman traveled out to inspect the marker he found that there was further damage in addition to what was originally reported.
We are extremely disappointed that any individual would do such a terrible thing, but we know the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, and that there is a great spiritual battle which continues to rage. "For we wrestle not against flesh

and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places" (Eph. 6:12). But we can rejoice in knowing the battle is the Lord’s, and we will emerge victorious. We can take courage in who we are and Who it is we serve. We can be confident that even in this difficult and troubling situation we will prevail.

As we celebrate the Arise, Shine of The Church of God we must be confident that Satan will again fail to be successful in his attempt to hide the message of truth. God considered 1,578 years to be a "small moment" and even though the damage to the marker is extensive we are confident that it will soon display its wonderful message to those who travel over the Horns of Hittin.

We have been in constant communication with those who are assisting us in Israel regarding the future steps necessary to restore the marker. Preparations are being made to not only begin the repairs to the marker but also to complete the work in such a way as to attempt to prevent anyone from inflicting further damage in the future.
Christ establishing the Church, Brother Smith specifically wanted the marker to include "thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Lev. 19:18). In a land that is no stranger to conflict and hostilities it’s important to not only share the message of the Church but also the necessity for the love of God to fill every heart and overflow to our fellowman. With this kind of love we would see an end to these senseless acts.

There is another characteristic associated with this special land. It was summed up beautifully by our friend Amos as we looked upon the results of our labor and reflected upon all that had been accomplished. His testimony concerning the marker was simple: "A miracle in a land built on and around miracles!"
We ask for your prayers during this process. It is important that we show our resolve and advance united, displaying to the world that we will not allow this to deter us. The work must go on and preparations made because Christ is coming soon for a wife who hath made herself ready.

Our hope is to soon see the marker clearly bearing its message once again. Along with the message concerning

"Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18).
by General Treasurer, Kevin D. Werkheiser

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